Year 3 Sound Walk

Image of Year 3 Sound Walk

As part of our English topic on the 'Sound Collector' poem by Roger McGough, we conducted a Sound Walk around the school to invisage lfe in silence. We then had to work out how we could create rhyming pairs before constructing our own version of the poem, 'The Sound Collector Comes To Bridge'. As…

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Year 3 Air Resistance

Image of Year 3 Air Resistance

As part of our learning on Forces, this week we conducted an investigation into air resistance. We predicted what the impact of running with a plastic bag above our head would be. First, we ran 25m as fast as we could without the bag to set a benchmark time. We than ran again, this time with the…

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UCA Art Workshop - sculpture

Image of UCA Art Workshop - sculpture

This week, a group of fifteen Year 3 pupils took part in an Art workshop led by Louise Mayell, an art practitioner from The University For The Creative Arts (UCA); the event was kindly hosted by Pilgrims’ Way School.


Within the workshop, the children took inspiration from the colourful…

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Arts Award Success!

Image of Arts Award Success!

Mrs Tomsett and I have really enjoyed working with a small group of Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils who have been working towards their Discovery Arts Award within our Art Club.


The theme was ‘The environment’. Pupils created art inspired by the environment and the nature around them. They worked…

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5HA Poetry June 2023

Image of 5HA Poetry June 2023

To recognise refugee week, Year 5 looked at the poem Refugees by Brian Bilston. The poem is a palindrome which gives two very different perspectives of how refugees are perceived and welcomed by their host countries. We decided that we would not share too much information with the children…

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Clockwork shadow puppets - Year 5

Image of Clockwork shadow puppets - Year 5

Last term, Year 5 studied ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. Pupils have at last finished designing, making and performing with their shadow-puppets inspired by the book. They explored the traditional shadow puppets from South East Asia and the work of German animator and film director, Lotte…

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Animal prints and texture - Year R

Image of Animal prints and texture - Year R

This term, Year R pupils have been using two of their five senses to explore texture. We began by discussing what texture is and their knowledge and experience of it. We explored visual (implied) texture by looking at photographs of animal skins and fur and imaging how they would feel. We also…

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Year 4 Language day and Matisse

Image of Year 4 Language day  and Matisse

We had great fun on Friday learning about France.

Thank you to Johanna for coming in to talk to us and for teaching us a French card game. We also enjoyed the ‘taste of France’. We learnt about the vocabulary for clothes in French and then we made collages inspired by our trip to Samphire Hoe…

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Year 4 at Samphire Hoe

Image of Year 4 at Samphire Hoe

Last week Year 4 had a lovely time at Samphire Hoe, near Dover with Ranger Paul. We explored the area and habitats, listened for birds, made ‘smelly pots’ by crushing up some of the flora in pots and then naming them. Some scents were nice and some were nasty! Paul taught us about why some plants…

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Year 4 Simon Langton Girls School Art Workshop

Image of Year 4 Simon Langton Girls School Art Workshop

Year 4 were lucky enough to be invited to an art workshop at Simon Langton Girls School. It was organised by students who are completing their Art Award certificates and built on links made last year. Our Year 4s had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities.  Mrs Saint also…

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Year 4 Bird Feeders DT

Image of Year 4 Bird Feeders DT

In our DT lessons for Term 6, Year 4 have made bird feeders from recycled materials using the explore, design, make and evaluate process. The brief was to consider the functionality and incorporate a unique feature. The children had to explore how to fix different materials together and how to…

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Bat and Trap Club

Image of Bat and Trap Club


Over the past two terms, several children from years 3 to 6 have been learning to play Bat and Trap.

A bat and trap game is played between two teams with up to eight players on each team. One team bats first while the other team bowls and then teams switch roles after the first innings.…

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