Living with Art - The Beaney
Year 5 gave a warm welcome to Murray from the Canterbury Beaney this week; he came to introduce their upcoming art exhibition, Living with Art: An extraordinary collection from an ordinary home.
Along with other local schools, we have been invited to contribute to the exhibition –…
Year R join materials
Year R use PVA glue!
Over the last two weeks, children in Year R have been given the choice of making either a magic wand or an ice lolly from a range of art materials. Some attempted to draw out shapes using a stencil but all cut out their own star or lolly from card. They attached a…
Moon Buggies
Year 5 have completed their Moon Buggy toys for children aged 9-10 years old.
Product specification were as follows:
- It must move using an elastic band ‘pull back’ mechanism
- Have 4 wheel and 2 axels
- The dimensions must not exceed an A4 piece of paper
- Be strong and robust…
Egyptian necklaces - Year 3
The Year three topic this term was Ancient Egypt. Within Design Technology, pupils designed and made necklaces inspired by Ancient Egyptian art and jewellery. This was a DT textiles project and the main feature on each necklace is a rectangular shaped piece of weaving. Pupils also explored making…
DT- Year 6 chairs
Year 6 chairs are here! Order now!
Throughout this project, Year 6 have: learnt about strong shapes and forces; explored materials, techniques, joins and structures; made initial designs inspired by influential designers; made prototypes and modified designs as appropriate; skilfully made…
Super Hero moving pictures - Year one
This week, Year one completed their DT Super Hero Moving Pictures!
Within the project the children: explored who can be a super hero and they have designed and drawn their own; explored and made slider and lever mechanisms; designed and made their own backgrounds using geometric shape…
Year R Write Dance
Within Year R’s last two Write Dance lessons of the term, the topics discussed were rainbows and trains!
The children danced to routines that encouraged them to use their shoulders and arms; twist their core; stretch their arms out wide and practise using both arms simultaneously. They…
Bridge choir - Salvation Army carol concert
Led by Mrs Loughlin, members of the Bridge school choir sang five Christmas carols and songs at the Salvation Army carol concert in Canterbury last Sunday. The children put on a fabulous performance and were treated to a gift of chocolates from Father Christmas. These were opened immediately and…
Forest School Year 4 Term 2 2023
In Forest School this term Year 4 have been exploring:
- how to make a reef knot
- creating spider webs (some in team work), making broomsticks and wands,
- splashing in the mud
- how to keep the ground less soggy by spreading bark chip
-cutting willow branches, making new holes…
Forest School Year 2 Term 2 2023
This term Year 2 have been exploring:
How to make a reef knot (micky mouse ear, flip it, mickey mouse ear and flip it, the second ear goes behind the first ear, put the loop around the stick and pull tight.)
- how to stay safe in a storm (we had one of our sessions inside)
- conker…
Year 1 Term 2 2023
Forest School Fun in Term 2:
- Pumpkin hammering with tees and mallets
- practising knots, tying wool to make wands and broomsticks for Halloween
- painting with conkers in a tray
- using a palm drill with conkers and turning them into necklaces etc.
- picking sunflower seeds and…
Finished Round House in the Forest School area
The outdoor shelter in the Forest School area has been completed!
This structure has already made such a difference to our sessions outside - the heavy rain has not stopped us from coming out or making fires outside, we are so grateful. It is turned into a very cosy space.
Here are some…