School Uniform

We encourage all children to wear the school uniform as it helps set the tone and atmosphere within our school. The following items are part of our school uniform:

  • A blue school sweatshirt or cardigan (these can be purchased from the school office and are embroidered with the school logo)
  • A white polo shirt
  • Grey or black trousers or skirt
  • Summer dresses (blue and white gingham)
  • Shoes should be plain black with either laces or a strap

All items, apart from the school sweatshirt and cardigan can be purchased from any high street retailer. or supermarket.

Please could you ensure that items are clearly labelled so that if anything gets lost it can easily be returned to the family.

Second Hand Items

At the end of each half-term, any items of 'lost property' remaining will be placed into pool for parents to access. Re-using school uniform saves parents money as well as reducing the environmental impact. There is no cost for this although a voluntary donation to a chosen charity is appreciated. 

PE Kit

A change of clothes is essential for PE and the school PE kit is a blue round neck T-shirt and blue shorts which can be purchased from the school office. Please do not buy leotards for school use.

Trainers are necessary for outdoor PE activities and children who play football after school require football boots and shin pads.

All items of PE kit should be clearly marked and kept in school at all times. This should be kept in a PE bag (not a carrier bag) that can be hung from a peg. Please do not send weekend bags, duffle bags and rucksacks to school. We have no storage space for them, they obstruct the corridors and can cause danger with tripping. 

Hair, Jewellery & Accessories

The wearing of all forms of jewellery, such as rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings is not permitted. Children with pierced ears may wear a small, short stud. For reasons of safety, it is essential that no jewellery whatsoever is worn during PE and Games. If you would like your child to wear pierced earrings, we suggest you organise this at the beginning of the summer holidays, as this will allow sufficient time for their ears to heal. We cannot be responsible for the safekeeping of jewellery brought into school with or without the knowledge of parents.

Children who wear watches to school must accept responsibility for them. They must be taken off during PE lessons and not handed to the teacher.

Cosmetics, including nail varnish are strictly forbidden.

Mobile Phones

These are not permitted in school. Should you feel that your child needs one for safety reasons, please discuss this in the first instance with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Mobiles will have to be kept in the school office whilst the child is in school.

Art Shirts

We find it advisable for children to wear an overall or an apron for cover their clothes during art & craft activities. You will probably find that an old shirt will do nicely.

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