Year 3 Forest School Term 1 2024-2025

Image of Year 3 Forest School Term 1 2024-2025

We have had a very adventurous Forest School Term with Year 3. Here are some of the things the children have been up to. They went on a scavenger hunt for natural materials, built fairy houses for the queen and king, created bows and arrows, picked sunflower seeds and enjoyed the slack…

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Year 1 Term 1 Forest School 2024-2025

Image of Year 1 Term 1 Forest School 2024-2025

This Term Year 1 read stick man, defrosted stick man from ice, using fine motor skills with pipettes, seeing how the state of materials changed with water and they made their own little stick people from natural materials.  Some chose to make a boat from sticks, others paint brushes (and natural…

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Mark-making and 3D form

Image of Mark-making and 3D form

Last week, Year 1 finished creating autumn leaves from their marking-making paintings.

Earlier in the term, the children explored mark-making but not with traditional tools; instead they used household objects and considered what their marks could describe – the texture of crocodile skin,…

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Stained glass windows - Year 2

Image of Stained glass windows - Year 2

Last week, Year 2 were privileged to have stained-glass window expert, Buffer Tucker, visit them in class and run a special workshop. Buffy is now retired but used to work in the stained-glass windows department at Canterbury Cathedral. As well as a career restoring historical windows, Buffy has…

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The Lost Thing - Year 5

Image of The Lost Thing - Year 5

Year 5 have finished making their ‘Lost Thing’ abstract sculptures. The pupil’s work is inspired by: Shaun Tan’s picture book ‘The Lost Thing’; their own observational drawings of natural forms and ‘not so' natural forms; sculptures by the artists Grayson Perry, Sophie Ryder and Henry Moore and…

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Year 6 Forest School Term 1

Image of Year 6 Forest School Term 1

Year 6 have been very busy in Forest School this term - see what we have been up to. 

Day 1 after the summer holidays started straight away with wand - making workshops in small groups. We used secateurs to cut fresh branches to the correct size - mainly cherry and hazel wood. Children used…

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Woodland Trip Year 6 October 2024

Image of Woodland Trip Year 6 October 2024

Welcome back to Covert Woods Year 6. After remembering the rules for the boundaries and staying safe, we listened to the noises around us. It was a little windy and we could hear the trees but no birds this time. Most of the woodland trees in this area are beech trees, which some of the children…

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Woodland trip to Covert woods Year 1 October 2024

Image of Woodland trip to Covert woods Year 1 October 2024

We had some very excited Year 1 children going to the woodlands for the first time (many rounds of 'The wheels on the bus' were enjoyed by Mr Taylor!). Luckily the weather was on our side - no storm but the sun was shining for us. 

We hopped on the minibus and walked up to the clearing in…

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Canterbury College workshop - 3D

Image of Canterbury College workshop - 3D

As part of the Canterbury Festival, Bridge and Patrixbourne CEP have been invited by Mark Saich to contribute to his Artists’ Open House event in October. We are very privileged to be working with Canterbury College's, Level 3, Year 2 Art and Design students to create 3D installations that will be…

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Year 5 - Newton's colour wheel and mixing

Image of Year 5 - Newton's colour wheel and mixing

To begin their first art project of the academic year, the children in Year 5 have been learning about the artist’s colour wheel, colour mixing and colour theory.

The modern colour-wheel is based on Sir Isaac Newton’s experimentation with light. While Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge…

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Year 5 Church Visit

Image of Year 5 Church Visit

On Friday, Year 5 visited Bridge Church as part of their RE learning around the question, 'What does it mean if God is loving and holy?' After an introduction about the history of the church by Rev. Estella, the children completed a carousel around the building, looking at various features and…

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Walderchain Wood - collaboration with Canterbury College

Image of Walderchain Wood - collaboration with Canterbury College

As part of the Canterbury Festival, Bridge and Patrixbourne CEP have been invited by Mark Saich to contribute to his Artists’ Open House event in October. We are very privileged to be working with Canterbury College's, Level 3, Year 2 Art and Design students to create 3D installations that will be…

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