Sewing with Year R

Image of Sewing with Year R

Throughout term 6, Year R have been working on their sewing project. The children have drawn and cut out felt animal shapes. These have been sewn on to a hessian background (applique) using the running stitch; they have also sewn buttons on to their work.


This project has: taught the…

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Botanical Art and Science - Year 3

Image of Botanical Art and Science - Year 3

An art and science collaboration! Hurray! This project brought together the Year 3 science topic of plants and traditional (and non-traditional) botanical art. As a year group, the children were inspired by a range of artists: various botanical artists including Victoria Braithwaite, photographers…

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Self-portraits by Rowan class (Year 1)

Image of Self-portraits by Rowan class (Year 1)

Rowan class have been drawing self-portraits. Each child first warmed up by making a quick pencil sketch of themselves and their hobbies. They asked themselves, who am I?


As a class, we discussed how to observe your own face in a mirror; how to begin drawing facial features and…

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Recycled textiles workshop

Image of Recycled textiles workshop

We were delighted to welcome Vicky Kirk into school today to run a recycled textiles workshop for a group of Year 3 students. Vicky is a director of Studio Partington (an award-winning London architect practice) and studied textiles at university.


The theme was ‘recycling’ and the children…

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Year one paint red peppers!

Image of Year one paint red peppers!

Year one continue to explore fruit and vegetables this term. Last week, the children used their observational skills to draw and paint red peppers.


As a class, we discussed scale (drawing the peppers larger to fill their A3 paper); oil pastels and how they resist paint (used for the…

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Microscopic fruit - Year one

Image of Microscopic fruit - Year one

Using inspiration from two books, Oliver’s Vegetables and Oliver’s Fruit Salad, children in Year one used their observational skills to draw from microscopic photographic images of fruit by the artist Rob Kesseler. These images are really funky and abstract. Within the lesson, the children learnt…

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Repeat printing - Year 2

Image of Repeat printing - Year 2

With links to their Geography project, Year 2 have been exploring relief printing and have created their own repeat patterns inspired by the work of Indonesian artist John Martono, traditional printing techniques and the seas and marine life of Indonesia. The children have used their observational…

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Skull prints - Year 6

Image of Skull prints - Year 6

Throughout last term, Year 6 explored relief printing. Using inspiration from female artist Georgia O’Keefe, pupils began the project by drawing real skulls from observation using 4B/6B pencil. The children learnt how to transfer their drawings onto card with tracing paper; they were then able to…

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Year 5 Rosie Duffield Visit

Image of Year 5 Rosie Duffield Visit

On Friday, Year 5 were visited by local MP, Rosie Duffield! The main aim of her visit was to award the winners of her anti-littering poster competition their prizes. Imogen and May were runners up and Leo was the overall winner, each creating striking posters to encourage people to take better…

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Clockwork shadow puppets - Year 5

Image of Clockwork shadow puppets - Year 5

Throughout last term, Year 5 studied ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. The children designed and made their own shadow-puppets inspired by the book; in groups they wrote a script and used them within a performance in front of the class. They explored the traditional shadow puppets from South East…

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Think Design Print - Creative Folkestone

Image of Think Design Print - Creative Folkestone

A big thank you to Creative Folkestone for running another Art workshop for a group of our Year 4 pupils last week. The children worked with two local artists, Tania and Emily, who delivered the workshop: Think Design Print.


The children began the morning by looking at images of everyday…

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Insect Gardens - Year R

Image of Insect Gardens - Year R

Over the last two weeks, Year R have continued to explore joining materials; they have considered space, shape, three-dimensional form and have been manipulating and sculpting with paper.


The children designed and made their own insect garden/playground; this links to the Year R term topic…

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