I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Without me, you can do nothing.

John 15:5

Being rooted in the teachings of Jesus enables growth and creativity. To remain in Jesus means to keep his commandments - to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbour as ourselves. In our school, bearing fruit simply means that everyone in the school community will excel according to their God-given gifts.

We aim to fulfil this vision by weaving our Christian values into the fabric of our school, creating a very clear and distinctive Christian ethos that underpins every thought, decision and action made.

In and around the school you will see and hear things for all stakeholders to embed the Christian distinctiveness of our school. These include:

  • Daily acts of collective worship. These include stories from the Bible, songs, prayer and a message about hot this is relevant to all of us in our day to day life.
  • Singing. We learn a wide variety of songs in school including Christian songs. These take the form of praise.
  • Visual reminders of our values. Lanyards, photos depicting values, displays.
  • Whole school prayer station. A dedicated space for prayer and reflection that changes according to the time of year and/or children's needs and interest. All stakeholders have access to this.
  • Class reflection areas.
  • Prayers and Grace. We have created a school prayer which can be read below. The children also have the opportunity to contribute to prayers in class and worship if they would like to.
  • Regular visits by Rev. Estella to facilitate worship, support staff with Christian knowledge and understanding and for pastoral care.
  • Church service for celebrations such as the Year R welcome service, Harvest, Christmas, Easter and the End-of-Year service.

More information can be found on our Christian Values page.

Our School Prayer


Thank you for our school; for all who work and learn here.

Help us to care for each other and value all our gifts.

May we always try to bring out the best in ourselves and one another.

Let our school be a place where we love to learn and learn to love.

In Jesus’ name


with thanks to Scarlett & Alex (4JH), Sophia-Rose & Hugo (4ST), Kyle & Zeina (5JP) and Holly & Henry (5JS)

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