Every year, we undertake a Parental Survey. This is a vital part of the school improvement process and allows us to identify what parents feel we do well and what improvements that they feel we could make.

The results from this annual survey are shared and discussed with staff, governors and the Parent Council.

Our last survey was undertaken in June 2020 and we had 117 responses.

Parental Survey Outcomes

Any Other Comments

“I think the school and staff have been amazing in what has clearly been a challenging year for all of us. The way in which the school have provided direction for parents on what to do with children without the pressure of it being compulsory has really helped us as a family. The openness and honesty about the struggles the governors and SLT have had to deal with have empowered parents and families to make informed decisions about their children's education. Fantastic job everyone!”


“All 3 of my children are very happy at school.  I think it is an outstanding school, with excellent senior leaders, teaching and support staff.  I feel very lucky that we are part of such a wonderful school community.”


“As this is my final year at Bridge, thank you to all staff for ensuring that both my children had an amazing primary education, full of wonderful experiences that they will carry with them for life.”


“The school is fantastic and the staff always go above & beyond. Both my children are extremely happy at school, which is all I’ve ever wanted. Thank you to everyone!”

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