At Bridge and Patrixbourne CEP School, we recognise the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of the children in school. We believe that an innovative, varied PE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of all our children.
At Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School we believe that the purpose of the Sports Premium is:
- To ensure that children benefit from high quality Physical Education as part of the school curriculum and that staff benefit from continuing professional development;
- To provide opportunities for competitive school sport for all children who wish to take part;
- To encourage children to take part in School Sports and PE;
- To identify, enthuse and engage with children and families who are less likely to choose sports and exercise as a lifestyle choice;
- To increase the number of children who take part in after-school sports clubs by offering a wider range of activities;
- To work in partnership with other organisations and school to maximise the potential of School Sports and PE;
- To inspire children to participate in a range of sporting activities.
Our Primary School Sport Funding will enable us to continue to give all children the chance to represent the school in competitions, extend our extensive after-school provision through employing sports professionals, entering into more competitive sports competitions and training our staff to deliver excellent PE lessons.