At Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School, our handwriting sessions follow the guidance of the National Curriculum alongside the delivery of the Cambridge PenPals Handwriting Scheme. It is our overall aim that all children develop a fluent and legible style of handwriting.

Helping Your Child

In order for your child to develop a fluent style of handwriting it is essential that they practise little and often.

  • Have a small selection of handwriting materials readily available at home. Soft pencils fibre-tip pens and some sheets of A4 typing paper are enough for a start.
  • Encourage your child to write on a line, even if they have to draw it themselves
  • Encourage your child to join his/her writing in any work brought home
  • Let handwriting play a part in your family’s daily life, for example:
    • making lists and labels
    • keeping a family diary
    • leaving notes for each other in busy households
    • keeping in touch with distant friends and relatives
    • designing and making home-made notepads and greetings cards.
  • Many children like to do their homework lying on the floor, but don’t let them! So do your best to provide somewhere where your child can work, the end of the kitchen table is perfect!
  • Praise, praise praise.

Please feel free use the following documents to help your child learn the formation of each letter in line with the PenPals handwriting scheme.

Handwriting Documents

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