Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School is a maintained Local Authority primary school and therefore follows the Kent Scheme of Admissions. Our Admissions Policy can be found on the policies page of our school website.

Starting school in Year R

Please look at our dedicated pages about choosing a school and the process for our new Year R children.

In-Year Admissions

If you wish to move your child midway through their school then, in the first instance, you should contact Morny Starling (Admissions Officer) in the school office. She will be able to arrange an opportunity for you to come and look around the school.

We will also be able to advise you if there are any spaces in the requested year group. Please note that our Published Admissions Number (PAN) is 60 and we are not permitted to offer spaces which would take us over this number.

You will also be advised to complete an In Year Admission Form (link below) - this must be completed if you wish to accept a space or go onto our waiting list.

If there is no space available, you will be placed on our waiting list which is ranked in order of distance, i.e. if you live 0.5 miles away, you will be further up the list than someone who lives 1.2 miles away, regardless of when you went on the list.

When a space becomes available, Mrs Starling will contact the first name on the list to offer them the space. 

When accepting a space, we would recommend a short meeting (15 minutes) between the parents and the class teacher just to introduce themselves to each other and start the parent-teacher dialogue.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.


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