The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) refers to children’s education between birth and the age of 5 years. At Bridge and Patrixbourne CEP School our EYFS is made up of two reception classes of thirty pupils, each with their own class teacher and teaching assistant.

Children are warmly welcomed into Bridge and Patrixbourne CEP School from the very first time they step inside. They are quickly recognised as a unique individual and, from enrolment, they instantly form part of our community and school team. In the Summer Term prior to starting, our EYFS team contact pre-school settings, either in person or by telephone, and meet with parents. From information shared here, our EYFS team recognises and considers each child’s prior learning and life experiences and builds upon this by facilitating learning opportunities which are engaging, exciting, develop perseverance, promote resilience and enable children to become independent, life-long and enthusiastic learners.

Diversity is celebrated and our values of creativity, excellence and resilience are promoted with even our youngest class of learners, to form a nurturing and caring ethos across the school. Children’s understanding is carefully planned for, and assessed, via the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA), Language and Speech Link Assessments, Phonics Assessments and through informal observations made of the children during the initial stages of their schooling.

Our provision maintains a considered balance between short adult-led inputs (“direct teaching”), Linked Provision (consolidating learning from direct inputs and supporting areas identified through assessment, and Continuous Provision (“Exploring Time”). Adult-led inputs include daily phonics, maths and story times linked to topics. The lengths and content of these sessions change throughout the school year, reflecting the children’s ages, developmental stages, and individual needs.

EYFS Documents

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