Ancient Roman food
Aiming for the complete immersion into the domestic life of an Ancient Roman, Year 4 have been exploring food and cooking of the period. The children started last week by making their own clay cooking/serving pots using the coil method (also used by the Ancient Romans).
This week they…
Year 5 TWISTED tales
Last term, Year 5 enjoyed looking at Twisted Fairy tales. The children looked at a traditional tale and then wrote their own tale adding their own twist to it. The focus of learning was on building suspense and fear through the use of figurative language and leaving the story with a moral for the…
Year R - joining materials 2
Throughout term 3, Year R practised joining materials together. The children have created large-scale collaged pictures inspired by fairy tales; made their own glue from flour and water; created lollipops and wands; learnt how to use tabs and PVA glue; practised wrapping pipe cleaners; used hole…
Call Me Gorgeous - Year 1
Throughout term 3, Year 1 children worked towards the completion of their ‘Call Me Gorgeous’ collages inspired by the book by Giles and Alexandra Milton. The artworks consist of a background, midground and foreground.
The backgrounds depict a starry night. The children looked at…
Figures in motion - Year 6
In term 3, Year 6 designed and made sculptures depicting the human figure in motion. To begin the project, pupils explored the proportions of the human figure and drew from wooden mannequins. They then attempted to sketch from movement on film (sporting imagery).
As a class, we studied the…
Architecture Workshop - Year 6
A massive thank you to Vicky Kirk, a director of Studio Partington (an award-winning London architect practice), who visited our school this week to run an Architecture workshop for ten Year 6 pupils. Vicky introduced the diverse role of an architect and talked about the variety of buildings,…
Living with Art - The Beaney
Year 5 gave a warm welcome to Murray from the Canterbury Beaney this week; he came to introduce their upcoming art exhibition, Living with Art: An extraordinary collection from an ordinary home.
Along with other local schools, we have been invited to contribute to the exhibition –…
Year R join materials
Year R use PVA glue!
Over the last two weeks, children in Year R have been given the choice of making either a magic wand or an ice lolly from a range of art materials. Some attempted to draw out shapes using a stencil but all cut out their own star or lolly from card. They attached a…
Year R Write Dance
Within Year R’s last two Write Dance lessons of the term, the topics discussed were rainbows and trains!
The children danced to routines that encouraged them to use their shoulders and arms; twist their core; stretch their arms out wide and practise using both arms simultaneously. They…
Year 5 Pied Piper Trip
As a hook for our Term 3 English work on Twisted Tales, today the children went to watch an alternative performance of the Pied Piper at the Gulbenkian Theatre in Canterbury. The performance was delivered entirely in a beatbox format and with modern touches throughout. The children even got to…
Canterbury Light Parade 2023
Last Friday, a group of Bridge pupils and their parents took part in The Christmas Light Parade through Canterbury. The parade started near the Westgate Gardens and made its way (past the many onlookers) through Canterbury city centre. We finished in the Dane John Gardens where we were greeted by…
Craft Club
Children from Year 1-3 have been getting crafty at Craft Club after school on a Tuesday with Mrs Scott. They have been using different materials and techniques to create some lovely things.
Here are some that have been made over the past few weeks: