Arts Award Success!
Mrs Tomsett and I have really enjoyed working with a small group of Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils who have been working towards their Discovery Arts Award within our Art Club.
The theme was ‘The environment’. Pupils created art inspired by the environment and the nature around them. They worked…
Clockwork shadow puppets - Year 5
Last term, Year 5 studied ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. Pupils have at last finished designing, making and performing with their shadow-puppets inspired by the book. They explored the traditional shadow puppets from South East Asia and the work of German animator and film director, Lotte…
Animal prints and texture - Year R
This term, Year R pupils have been using two of their five senses to explore texture. We began by discussing what texture is and their knowledge and experience of it. We explored visual (implied) texture by looking at photographs of animal skins and fur and imaging how they would feel. We also…
Year 4 Language day and Matisse
We had great fun on Friday learning about France.
Thank you to Johanna for coming in to talk to us and for teaching us a French card game. We also enjoyed the ‘taste of France’. We learnt about the vocabulary for clothes in French and then we made collages inspired by our trip to Samphire Hoe…
Year 4 Simon Langton Girls School Art Workshop
Year 4 were lucky enough to be invited to an art workshop at Simon Langton Girls School. It was organised by students who are completing their Art Award certificates and built on links made last year. Our Year 4s had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities. Mrs Saint also…
Year 3 Flower Tiles
To conclude our Science learning on plants, we had an Art day on Friday sculpting flower tiles. Our focus for the tiles was relief sculpture, whereby multiple layers of clay are built upon each other to add depth and texture. We began by designing our tiles on paper and choosing the colours we…
Insect relief prints - Year 6
Last term, Year 6 pupils designed and produced relief prints inspired by their topic of Darwin and evolution. These prints have been made using a number of prepared printing plates. The backgrounds are collagraph (collage) prints (printed from fabric attached to a cardboard base with PVA glue) and…
Year 2 story-telling project
Story-telling. Art, writing and drama project.
Year two love a cross-curricular project! In term 5, we delivered a story-telling project combining art, writing and drama. The over-arching topic for the term was Indonesia and both art lessons and writing lessons used the country and its…
Peacock hats - Year 2
You may have already seen some spectacular peacocks strutting proudly home! Where have they come from?
Well, to celebrate their topic of Indonesia this term, Year 2 pupils have been practising the traditional Peacock Dance within their PE lessons with Laura. The only thing missing was the…
Year 1 ceramic necklaces
Year 1 have recently finished a ceramic project; their task was to make beads and thread them into a necklace for a friend or family member.
The children used inspiration from ceramic artist Kate Malone and a Faversham based ceramic artist, Rose Dickinson. Both use the theme of nature in…
Year 2 observational drawing - peacock feathers
Year 2 observational drawing of peacock feathers
I just love these! Year 2 have been practising their observational skills this term by drawing peacock feathers. As a class, we explored the feel of the feathers and discussed the colours that can been seen within them. We looked at shapes…
Year R imaginary gardens......paper construction
Year R continue to practise joining materials within their art lessons. Over the last two weeks, I have been shrinking each child to the size of an insect! Whilst small, the children have been imagining the exploration of strange and colourful gardens. They have considered space, shape and…