Year 4 Forest School Trip Term 4 2024
The weather was kind to us this week which enabled us to experience the woodlands.
We listened to the sounds around us, played a game and challenged ourselves to build a tall and strong stick tower (learning that the process is more important than the product).
I told a story about where…
Year 5 TWISTED tales
Last term, Year 5 enjoyed looking at Twisted Fairy tales. The children looked at a traditional tale and then wrote their own tale adding their own twist to it. The focus of learning was on building suspense and fear through the use of figurative language and leaving the story with a moral for the…
Year R - joining materials 2
Throughout term 3, Year R practised joining materials together. The children have created large-scale collaged pictures inspired by fairy tales; made their own glue from flour and water; created lollipops and wands; learnt how to use tabs and PVA glue; practised wrapping pipe cleaners; used hole…
Call Me Gorgeous - Year 1
Throughout term 3, Year 1 children worked towards the completion of their ‘Call Me Gorgeous’ collages inspired by the book by Giles and Alexandra Milton. The artworks consist of a background, midground and foreground.
The backgrounds depict a starry night. The children looked at…
Figures in motion - Year 6
In term 3, Year 6 designed and made sculptures depicting the human figure in motion. To begin the project, pupils explored the proportions of the human figure and drew from wooden mannequins. They then attempted to sketch from movement on film (sporting imagery).
As a class, we studied the…
Year 5 Forest School Term 3 2024
This term we talked about what makes us happy, how outside makes us feel and what we are grateful for.
The children learned about square lashings, tying sticks together to create frames, triangles, mobiles....
Week 2 was all about cooking - fire rules, finding sticks, making a fire, making…
Year 1 Forest School Term 3 2024
Willow and Rowan class were very busy in Forest School this term. They helped to plant the new tree that Mrs Franks gifted us as her leaving present - a new witches tree is about to grow!
We looked at different bugs in the area, sang a song and learned some worm facts. We talked about which…
Year R Forest School Term 3 2024
Welcome to Forest School Year R!
Ash and Elm class learned some of the Forest School rules (like: 'no pick, no lick, be careful with a stick) and our routines.
We were looking at bugs and finding them in our area - learning a bug song. The mound, hammock and the rope ladder were favourite…
Safer Internet Day 2024
This week, as a school, we have been focussing on how to stay safe online - using safer internet day 2024 as a catalyst for class discussions. Each year group completed a different activity - linked to theme 'Together for a better internet'. Each class also read a book which helped us learn about…
500 Words Winners 2024
In November, the children of Bridge & Patrixbourne CEP School were invited to enter the first school 500 Words House Competition - which was run in conjunction with the BBC 500 Words Story competition.
The competition was to write an original story in 500 words or less, with Year 1 – 3…
Architecture Workshop - Year 6
A massive thank you to Vicky Kirk, a director of Studio Partington (an award-winning London architect practice), who visited our school this week to run an Architecture workshop for ten Year 6 pupils. Vicky introduced the diverse role of an architect and talked about the variety of buildings,…
Creepy Claws visits Year 2
On Tuesday 23rd January Year 2s were very excited to welcome Michael (the man from Creepy Claws ) and a selection of his animals into school. He brought with him; Ronnie the chinchilla, Louise the gecko, Rose the tarantula, Cleopatra the python, Spike the scorpion, a giant millipede called Milly…