We were lucky this term as someone passed on a bird's nest they had found, which still had a light blue egg in it. This was a rare find and very exciting to see close up. Year 1 children have been very busy getting the polytunnel up and running, moving soil, bark chip and planting our new vegetables, fruit bushes and plants. 

Some made bird's nests, some created bug hotels and others chilled in the hammock. 

We learned a new game called 'zip zap boing' which we will repeat through our time at Forest School. The children looked at the different patterns of bark and created bark rubbings with crayons. 

Some very excited children found a letter from the fairy 'Twinkltoes' who needed help for her friends as their houses had been destroyed by a wildfire. All the children worked really hard and used natural materials to create new homes for the fairies to visit until theirs had been repaired. Everyone was very engrossed!

The last week saw some more planting, clay snails, a wormery with lots of worms, some leaf printing on fabric (Hapa Zome) and whittling (some made wands, some light sabers) and happy faces. Have a great half term. 

Year 1 Forest School Term 5 - 2024