Year 4 Forest School Trip March 2025
Welcome back to the woods Year 4.
We had a member from Forestry England join our session (they give us permission to use the woodlands). She brought a tawny owl feather with her and 2 different types of deer antlers and told us a little bit about the forest and the animals.
We listened to…
Year 5 Forest School Term 3 2024-2025
Welcome to Term 3 Forest School with Year 5.
I love how creative this year group is - I might be putting out ideas and suggestions, but the children know exactly what interests them. Today we had children building dens, bird houses (including swings) and trying to reach pine cones in the pine…
Year R Forest School Term 3 2024-2025
Welcome to Forest School Year R.
The children have settled in really well, getting to know the rules and the area. They have explored the hammock, the ladder and slack line, the digging area, mud kitchen and mound. We had some hot squash in week one as it was very cold. Year R got to role play…
Year 1 Forest School Term 3 2024
This Term Year 1 thought a little bit about which animals live in the Forest School area and if they are mammals or not.
As Year 1 is so grown up, we got the special Kelly Kettle out to boil water on a cold day. We talked about the fire triangle, how to stay safe and the children helped to…
Year 5 Forest School Trip February 2025
Welcome to the Forest Year 5.
Here is a little insight into what we have been up to. The weather forecast was cold but the winds were kind to us so we could go out on a winter's day.
We listened to the noises - the wind and the birds and we spotted some bird's nests which is easier in…
Year 2 Forest School Term 2 2024-2025
Welcome to our Term 2 Forest school. During the first session we learned about bats. They read facts and found hidden bats in the area. We looked at a bat box, played the bat game, learned about echolocation and lots of children enjoyed making their own bats from cardboard.
In session 2 we…
Year 4 Forest School Term 2 2024-2025
This term we got a new log splitter to create better fire wood. You can see elara using it in the profile picture of this blog. It's great fun (although we might have to feed the children a little more food so they have more weight to push the lever down with their foot haha) . We played games and…
Year 1 Forest School Term 2 2024
The first session was all about hedgehogs - we played a hedgehog game, learned some facts, created hedgehogs with leaves, made mud hedgehog and built houses for the animals.
The song, if you want to sing it at home, goes like this (to the tune of 'I'm a little teacup'):
I'm a little…
Year 3 Forest School Term 1 2024-2025
We have had a very adventurous Forest School Term with Year 3. Here are some of the things the children have been up to. They went on a scavenger hunt for natural materials, built fairy houses for the queen and king, created bows and arrows, picked sunflower seeds and enjoyed the slack…
Year 1 Term 1 Forest School 2024-2025
This Term Year 1 read stick man, defrosted stick man from ice, using fine motor skills with pipettes, seeing how the state of materials changed with water and they made their own little stick people from natural materials. Some chose to make a boat from sticks, others paint brushes (and natural…
Year 6 Forest School Term 1
Year 6 have been very busy in Forest School this term - see what we have been up to.
Day 1 after the summer holidays started straight away with wand - making workshops in small groups. We used secateurs to cut fresh branches to the correct size - mainly cherry and hazel wood. Children used…
Woodland Trip Year 6 October 2024
Welcome back to Covert Woods Year 6. After remembering the rules for the boundaries and staying safe, we listened to the noises around us. It was a little windy and we could hear the trees but no birds this time. Most of the woodland trees in this area are beech trees, which some of the children…