Year 5 Term 5 Forest School 2024

Image of Year 5 Term 5 Forest School 2024

Year 5 have been very busy and engaged in Forest School this term. 

In the first session they learned a new knot - the Marlin spike hitch: grab both parts hanging rope with the palms of your hands (palms facing outwards), twist the rope into two loops on the outside, put your hands through the…

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Year 1 Term 5 2024

Image of Year 1 Term 5 2024

We were lucky this term as someone passed on a bird's nest they had found, which still had a light blue egg in it. This was a rare find and very exciting to see close up. Year 1 children have been very busy getting the polytunnel up and running, moving soil, bark chip and planting our new…

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Forest School Year 3 Term 4 2024

Image of Forest School Year 3 Term 4 2024

Term 4 was all about the Stone age for Year 3! 

The children practised their knots, they created tools out of sticks and flint stones, they made their own natural paint brushes and paint and used the wattle and daub method to create walls and shelters. 

In our second session, we went to…

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Forest School Year R Term 4 2024

Image of Forest School Year R Term 4 2024

This Term Reception have learned some bird names and which  materials they use to build nests. We sang our Robin song, had a mud and spoon race, some children chose to make mud faces on trees and we introduced the spades for digging. In our second session, we thought about which animals live in…

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Year 1 Forest School Term 5 2024

Image of Year 1 Forest School Term 5 2024

In Term 4 Year 1 have learned about life cycles of frogs and butterflies- we acted them out in our fire circle and read stories. The children found leaves that have been eaten by caterpillars and other insects. We sang an insect song and learned about the parts of the body and that every insect…

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Year 4 Term 4 Forest School 2024

Image of Year 4 Term 4 Forest School 2024

A fun packed Term at Forest School for Year 4. We learned some woodland bird names and looked at signs of spring, learning about buds. Year 4 helped to bring up the woodchip from the bottom of the field with wheelbarrows and distributed it around the new trees to help them grow (and making our…

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Forest School Trip Year 3 2024 Covert Woods

Image of Forest School Trip Year 3 2024 Covert Woods

Beech class was lucky with good weather last week and we could explore Covert Woods. Unfortunately the wind forecasts were too strong for Chestnut class to go on Friday but we will try and find a replacement date. Safety always goes first. 

We listened to the sounds around us and played a…

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Year 5 Forest School Woodland trip 2024

Image of Year 5 Forest School Woodland trip 2024

Welcome back to Covert Woods Year 5! No storm in sight this time so we were free to enjoy the natural setting. 

Our first challenge was to listen to sounds around us, which can be surprisingly challenging in our busy lives. A variety of birds were around and we spotted some nests. 

We played…

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Year 4 Forest School Trip Term 4 2024

Image of Year 4 Forest School Trip Term 4 2024

The weather was kind to us this week which enabled us to experience the woodlands. 

We listened to the sounds around us, played a game and challenged ourselves to build a tall and strong stick tower (learning that the process is more important than the product). 

I told a story about where…

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Year 5 Forest School Term 3 2024

Image of Year 5 Forest School Term 3 2024

This term we talked about what makes us happy, how outside makes us feel and what we are grateful for. 

The children learned about square lashings, tying sticks together to create frames, triangles, mobiles....

Week 2 was all about cooking - fire rules, finding sticks, making a fire, making…

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Year 1 Forest School Term 3 2024

Image of Year 1 Forest School Term 3 2024

Willow and Rowan class were very busy in Forest School this term. They helped to plant the new tree that Mrs Franks gifted us as her leaving present - a new witches tree is about to grow!

We looked at different bugs in the area, sang a song and learned some worm facts. We talked about which…

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Year R Forest School Term 3 2024

Image of Year R Forest School Term 3 2024

Welcome to Forest School Year R! 

Ash and Elm class learned some of the Forest School rules (like: 'no pick, no lick, be careful with a stick) and our routines. 

We were looking at bugs and finding them in our area  - learning a bug song. The mound, hammock and the rope ladder were favourite…

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