Year 6 have been very busy in Forest School this term - see what we have been up to. 

Day 1 after the summer holidays started straight away with wand - making workshops in small groups. We used secateurs to cut fresh branches to the correct size - mainly cherry and hazel wood. Children used peelers and knives to peel and whittle the wood into the correct size and shape. They decorated the wands with natural materials, string and pens. And not to forget the magic spell competitions.

Continuing with the tool learning, 2 days later the children got the chance to make bows and arrows. We reflected on our learning at the end and which characteristics they had used or developed - such as team work, dexterity and self-confidence. 

In the second week, I set the children the challenge to learn the clove hitch and to build a tripod shelter with sticks and ropes. We also looked at the difference between simple and compound leaves. 

For the woodland trip, please see the separate blog.

Children were cutting down fresh willow from our dome that had grown well, in order to use the rod for craft. They learned about some of the properties and as willow is very bendy, the children created rings, crowns, fishing rods and fish. Zander, Isabelle, Mona, Rene, Maria and Sam made a platter out of willow and showed fantastic perseverance.

During the final two weeks we made some fires, cooked and explored conker crafts. We picked a pumpkin that we had grown in Forest School, peeled and prepared it (the seeds are drying out for next year) and we cooked pumpkin soup over the camp fire. We had fire monitors who helped collect wood and keep the fire going and we boiled hot water in our small Kelly Kettle to make hot chocolates and hot squashes. 

Not all of the children take up the offered activities (child-led learning is part of the Forest School ethos), but it was fantastic to see that they choose their own projects now and work on them safely. They know what is available and they had water flowing down the mound, picked potatoes, built swings, made a wooden football table  and so on.  Well done Year 6.

Year 6 Forest School Autumn Term 1 2024-2025