This Term Year 1 read stick man, defrosted stick man from ice, using fine motor skills with pipettes, seeing how the state of materials changed with water and they made their own little stick people from natural materials.  Some chose to make a boat from sticks, others paint brushes (and natural paint) or hammers. 

Year 1 learned a little more about the trees that grow in our area, looking at the leaf shape, bark and size of the trees. They explored leaf rubbings with wax crayons - Emersyn and Ryan showed great skill here. They picked raspberries, tomatoes, chard and some potatoes that had grown. 

Aaron, Cohen and Josh helped Mr Fawkes to fill up some holes in the playground with soil that they had been digging up in our digging area. 

Please see the separate blog for our trip to the woodlands. 

Our last session was all about conkers - children guessed which animals are allowed (and not allowed) to eat these horse chestnuts. Deer and Hogs love them! Children could choose to throw conkers at tins, paint them, drill them, make them into necklaces, paint with them and make soap out of them. Noah and Eli were loving the digging area and explored the mud with their hands. 

Felix and Sia were our mushroom hunter champions - it is definitely an interesting season to spot these. Bailey loved finding worms and some of the children emptied the compost and filled some of our new planters. Elliot and Josh went on a sweet chestnut hunt. 

It is fantastic to see how the children are developing their own ideas and becoming more and more confident outdoors. Enjoy your half term. 

Year 1 Forest School Autumn Term 1 2024-2025