Welcome to Forest School Year R.
The children have settled in really well, getting to know the rules and the area. They have explored the hammock, the ladder and slack line, the digging area, mud kitchen and mound. We had some hot squash in week one as it was very cold. Year R got to role play and dress up as the three bears and goldilocks.
The second week was all about birds. We woke up the worms by stamping on the floor, we learned some bird names, played with the toy birds, made binoculars and bird feeders and identified the singing birds on the Merlin App (you can download this at home as well - Merlin Bird ID app). We talked about worms camouflaging and some children chose to dig for dinosaur fossils.
In our last session we introduced the spades and learned a little about bugs and insects. Insects have 6 legs, antennae and 3 body parts. We went bug hunting, filled up the bug hotel, played a caterpillar game and enjoyed the freedom to choose, freedom of time and freedom to play.
I know it has been cold, but thank you if you have been sending the children in with the right gear and don't mind them coming home muddy. It has been a great start to our Forest School journey.
Enjoy Half Term, Mrs Pearman