Year 1 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Image of Year 1 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Summer is here (or so we thought) in our Term 6 Forest School. The Year 1 children explored how to tap on different materials, scrape them and blow with a blade of grass between their thumbs. Particularly Elias has shown incredible resilience and kept trying until he managed to make a sound. Well,…

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Self-portraits by Rowan class (Year 1)

Image of Self-portraits by Rowan class (Year 1)

Rowan class have been drawing self-portraits. Each child first warmed up by making a quick pencil sketch of themselves and their hobbies. They asked themselves, who am I?


As a class, we discussed how to observe your own face in a mirror; how to begin drawing facial features and…

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Year one fruit salad

Image of Year one fruit salad

Over the last two weeks, Year one designed and made their own fruit salads. Yum!


The first step was to explore fruit by conducting a ’taste test’ and to decide which 4-5 fruits to add to their fruit salad; this was their design. Within week two, the children learnt all about hygiene and…

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Year one paint red peppers!

Image of Year one paint red peppers!

Year one continue to explore fruit and vegetables this term. Last week, the children used their observational skills to draw and paint red peppers.


As a class, we discussed scale (drawing the peppers larger to fill their A3 paper); oil pastels and how they resist paint (used for the…

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Microscopic fruit - Year one

Image of Microscopic fruit - Year one

Using inspiration from two books, Oliver’s Vegetables and Oliver’s Fruit Salad, children in Year one used their observational skills to draw from microscopic photographic images of fruit by the artist Rob Kesseler. These images are really funky and abstract. Within the lesson, the children learnt…

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Year 1 Term 5 2024

Image of Year 1 Term 5 2024

We were lucky this term as someone passed on a bird's nest they had found, which still had a light blue egg in it. This was a rare find and very exciting to see close up. Year 1 children have been very busy getting the polytunnel up and running, moving soil, bark chip and planting our new…

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Year 1 Forest School Term 5 2024

Image of Year 1 Forest School Term 5 2024

In Term 4 Year 1 have learned about life cycles of frogs and butterflies- we acted them out in our fire circle and read stories. The children found leaves that have been eaten by caterpillars and other insects. We sang an insect song and learned about the parts of the body and that every insect…

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Observational drawing by Year one

Image of Observational drawing by Year one

Year one pupils have been drawing plastic animal toys from observation this week. As a class, we discussed: how to carefully look at the objects and drawing what they see; the importance of referring back to the object regularly when drawing; sketching lightly with their pencil in case they need…

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Marble runs - Year One

Image of Marble runs - Year One

This term, Year one pupils have designed and made their own marble runs.


Within morning/class work they explored existing products (plastic marble runs) and practised using tools and joining techniques. Within their DT lessons, the classes discussed slides in the playground; gravity; the…

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Call Me Gorgeous - Year 1

Image of Call Me Gorgeous - Year 1

Throughout term 3, Year 1 children worked towards the completion of their ‘Call Me Gorgeous’ collages inspired by the book by Giles and Alexandra Milton. The artworks consist of a backgroundmidground and foreground.


The backgrounds depict a starry night. The children looked at…

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Year 1 Forest School Term 3 2024

Image of Year 1 Forest School Term 3 2024

Willow and Rowan class were very busy in Forest School this term. They helped to plant the new tree that Mrs Franks gifted us as her leaving present - a new witches tree is about to grow!

We looked at different bugs in the area, sang a song and learned some worm facts. We talked about which…

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Super Hero moving pictures - Year one

Image of Super Hero moving pictures - Year one

This week, Year one completed their DT Super Hero Moving Pictures!


Within the project the children: explored who can be a super hero and they have designed and drawn their own; explored and made slider and lever mechanisms; designed and made their own backgrounds using geometric shape…

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