Summer is here (or so we thought) in our Term 6 Forest School. The Year 1 children explored how to tap on different materials, scrape them and blow with a blade of grass between their thumbs. Particularly Elias has shown incredible resilience and kept trying until he managed to make a sound. Well, we had quite the performing bands going on in Forest School. Great team work and listening to each other. Bella showed off her performing skills!

Our strawberries were ripe and enjoyed on the spot! Remi made an incredible birds nests from foraged materials.

The children made some willow crowns with the fresh willow that we have grown, using secateurs to cut them. Emma made potions using willow for animals as she learned that willow has medicinal properties. Max showed particular strengths in making a raft from wood and tying knots. Archie loved digging up the home grown potatoes and Polly had fun picking fruit. Frankie said that he liked that you could grow food in nature. 

Betsy, Jacob and Harper were my fire helpers, we cooked popcorn over the campfire. As special guests we had Year 5 children come up to us - they were learning about the Greeks - they said a special prayer and lit their Olympic torch in our fire pit. 

Orla, Seb and Betsy helped to sand some new boards for the Forest School - they will be our new rule signs. 

Enjoy nature over the summer holidays - feel free to send some special photos in or make some notes if you see interesting plants, animals or make some fun discoveries. 

Mrs Pearman 

Year 1 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024