Year 5 Pig Visit 1

Image of Year 5 Pig Visit 1

On Monday, Year 5 visited the Pig at Bridge Place for the first of 3 sessions looking at seasonal gardening. This is part of their 'Adapt A School' campaign in which we have been lucky enough to be selected to work closely with their team. While we were there, the Year 5 children learnt about what…

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Key Stage 2 Ball Games Club

Image of Key Stage 2 Ball Games Club

It has been a pleasure to teach a group of 12 Key Stage 2 boys two disabled-friendly sports over the last 8 weeks. We started with Goalball, an invasion game where the children wore blindfolds and had to use their hearing skills to locate an audible ball and defend their goal. We then moved onto…

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Year 5 Space Day

Image of Year 5 Space Day

This week, Jackson from As Creatives delivered a Space themed workshop to both Year 5 classes. Through a range of drama-based activities the children learnt all about the planets which make up our solar system. We then focused on Earth and its orbit around the sun, as well as the moon's…

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Year 5 Segregation Lesson

Image of Year 5 Segregation Lesson

Today we began our learning around Hidden Figures. The theme of the learning this term will be racism and discrimination felt in the 1960 in Southern states of America. This is a mature and emotive topic that in the past has resulted in the children producing some very emotive and mature writing.…

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Year 5 Levers

Image of Year 5 Levers

As part of our learning about Forces in Science this term, the children needed to explore forces in action. They were tasked with making a mini mangonel (a catapult) which would fire a ping pong ball from a plastic spoon. After the first round of firing attempts, the children then needed to modify…

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Year 5 Church Visit

Image of Year 5 Church Visit

This term, Year 5 have been looking at how God impacts the lives of Christians in RE and working towards answering the Big Question, 'What does it mean if God is holy and loving?' As part of this learning, we took the children down to St Peters Church to explore how God is presented in Christian…

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Year 5 Parachutes

Image of Year 5 Parachutes

This term, Year 5 have been exploring different Forces, in particular gravity and air resistance. To test their learning, the children were tasked with designing a parachute with optimum air resistance, as to slow the speed of descent. They had the option to change one of three variables: canopy…

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Bushcraft - Day 3

Image of Bushcraft - Day 3

Please find below a selection of photos from Day 3 of our Bushcraft adventure. We hope your children enjoyed the trip and learnt lots of new skills!

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Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

Image of Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

To complete our unit on Forces, this week the children were tasked with protecting an egg from cracking when dropped from height. The children considered how they could maximise air resistance to slow the fall, also thinking about how gravity was affecting the egg. There were an array of designs…

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Year 3 Vaisakhi

Image of Year 3 Vaisakhi

To end our learning on the Sikhi faith, we celebrate the festival of Vaisakhi today. This festival began in 1699 and marks the creation of the first Khalsa Sikh community. We decorated our classroom with bunting, as would be done at a Gurdwara. We then learnt some Bhangra dancing along with…

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Year 3 Sound Walk

Image of Year 3 Sound Walk

As part of our English topic on the 'Sound Collector' poem by Roger McGough, we conducted a Sound Walk around the school to invisage lfe in silence. We then had to work out how we could create rhyming pairs before constructing our own version of the poem, 'The Sound Collector Comes To Bridge'. As…

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Year 3 Air Resistance

Image of Year 3 Air Resistance

As part of our learning on Forces, this week we conducted an investigation into air resistance. We predicted what the impact of running with a plastic bag above our head would be. First, we ran 25m as fast as we could without the bag to set a benchmark time. We than ran again, this time with the…

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