Year 3 KRAN Presentation

Image of Year 3 KRAN Presentation

In celebration of World Refugee Day which was yesterday (20th June), the children received a talk from Kent Refugee Action Network (KRAN) today. They learnt about what a refugee is, the journey that refugees take to seek safety and then the children had the opportunity to ask their own questions.…

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Year 3 Flower Tiles

Image of Year 3 Flower Tiles

To conclude our Science learning on plants, we had an Art day on Friday sculpting flower tiles. Our focus for the tiles was relief sculpture, whereby multiple layers of clay are built upon each other to add depth and texture. We began by designing our tiles on paper and choosing the colours we…

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3JA Gurdwara Trip

Image of 3JA Gurdwara Trip

Today 3JA visited the Gurdwara in Gravesend. After an hour on the bus, we were greeted by the majestic building. We had to follow the customs of the Sikhi faith by covering our heads and removing our shoes. We were then led on a tour by Mrs Gill who talked us through various aspects of the…

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Paddington Visits Year 3

Image of Paddington Visits Year 3

The staff and children of Year 3 arrived this morning to see Paddington had visited the year group...and had caused havoc across both classrooms! After further investigation, it seemed he had been intrigued by our learning about the famous fury creature, and wanted to pay us a visit. However, his…

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3JA Beach Trip

Image of 3JA Beach Trip

On Tuesday, 3JA visited Tankerton beach for some activities that were inspired by our Topic of the Stone Age and Science exploration of Rocks.

The journey took 30 minutes and we were lucky to arrive before the rain! Our first activity was creating miniature models of Skara Brae and Stonehenge…

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Year 3 Cave Art!

Image of Year 3 Cave Art!

In English today, we had an Experience Day looking at the Stone Age medium of cave art. We explored the meaning behind lots of different examples and discussed why and how these illustrations would have been created. Following that, we divided into 'Stone Age Tribes' and devised a backstory for…

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Year 3 Visit the Stone Age

Image of Year 3 Visit the Stone Age

Yesterday, Year 3 took a flight on Topic Airways back in time to the Stone Age. When we landed, our plane was boarded by a smelly, hairy Stone Age man named CLAW. In his broken English, he taught us about life in the Stone Age, including how he hunts, how the women and children gather food and…

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Year 3 Magnificent Mountains

Image of Year 3 Magnificent Mountains

To finalise our learning on Mountains and Rivers this term, today we designed and made our own models. To begin with, we chose the materials we wanted to use before getting to work on our masterpieces. Once the models were complete we added the labels, detailing the features of both rivers and…

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Peace Doves

Image of Peace Doves

At Bridge, we have taken part in the Peace Doves project in conjunction with Rochester Cathedral. This involved us learning about the value of peace and writing uplifting messages on our flock of doves. We looked at how we can create peace: at home, church and school, in Ukraine and within…

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Year 3 Shadow Puppet Theatres

Image of Year 3 Shadow Puppet Theatres

As part of our science learning around Light and Shadows, the children of Year 3 became puppeteers today and investigated the pattern between the distance of a torch and the size of the shadow created. The children recognised that the closer the torch, the bigger the shadow, as more light was…

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3JA Egyptian Day

Image of 3JA Egyptian Day

Last week, the children of 3JA visited Kent Life in Maidstone for an Egyptian themed day. We came across lots of Egyptian characters who led a range of sessions, varying from entertaining pharaohs to preserving bodies to enter the afterlife. The children had lots of hands-on experience such as…

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3LC3JA Flight to Egypt

Image of 3LC3JA Flight to Egypt

Yesterday, the children of Year 3 boarded the 3LC3JA flight to Egypt. After collecting their tickets and passing through security, each passenger took their seats and fastened their seatbelts. Following the safety briefing from cabin crew, the plane took to the skies for the land of pyramids and…

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