Year 3 Medicine Making

Image of Year 3 Medicine Making

To celebrate our English work on George's Marvellous Medicine, a book which sees a mischievous young boy, George, meddle with his grandmother's medicine in a bid to liven her up a little, Year 3 have been brewing up an equally exciting medicine. Each child brought in one ingredient and one by one,…

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Year 3 Bridge Walk

Image of Year 3 Bridge Walk

Last week, the children of Year 3 went on a study walk of Bridge, led by Mrs Vye and Mrs Whatley of the Bridge Historical Society. Prior to the walk, the children were taken on a virtual tour of the village in 1834 when the Bridge Arms was the White Horse and The Close was The Bridge Union…

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Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

Image of Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

To conclude our learning on Forces this term, we explored the air resistance of parachutes! To test our learning, we made parachutes for hard boiled eggs! The teachers then dropped the parachutists out of the window as we watched from the ground with our fingers crossed for a safe landing. The…

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Year 3 Sound Collector Poems

Image of Year 3 Sound Collector Poems

Year 3 have been exploring the poem, Sound Collector, by the poet Roger McGough. The poem imagines a world without the noises that fill our ears so we went on a sound walk around school to identify to sounds of Bridge! After this, we were treated to a personal reading of the poem by Roger himself,…

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Year 3 Gurdwara Trip

Image of Year 3 Gurdwara Trip

Last week, Year 3 spent a day at Gravesend Gurdwara. Prior to the trip, we had explored the rules and customs of the Gurdwara so we were prepared for our visit. When we got there, we had to remove our shoes, cover our heads and wash our hands, before Mrs Gill, the tour guide, introduced herself to…

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Year 3 Rocks Day!

Image of Year 3 Rocks Day!

This week Year 3 welcomed Andrew Berry from the Education People to deliver our hotly anticipated, annual Rocks Day! The children loved getting their hands on lots of different rocks, fossils and crystals and learnt about the structure of the Earth, the formation of sedimentary, metamorphic and…

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Year 3 met Claw!!!

Image of Year 3 met Claw!!!

Year 3 were made aware of something mysterious lurking behind the mound on the field today, so went to investigate! When we reached the Forest School area, we noticed a pile of logs that had been used for a fire and some kind of prehistoric den. Then, much to the children's amazement (and terror…

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More pictures from Mountain Mayhem!

Image of More pictures from Mountain Mayhem!

Here are some pictures of the models that 3SA made last Friday in their DT/Geography session on mountains and rivers.

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Year 3 Wicked Worms

Image of Year 3 Wicked Worms

'Worms are thin,

and they've got a little grin.

We love worms so much,

We don't know where to begin!' 


Over the past few weeks we have been exploring animal poetry to link with our science learning about different animals. We began by reading and analysing the poem 'Snails' by…

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Year 3 Mountain Mayhem!

Image of Year 3 Mountain Mayhem!

This term in Geography we have been learning about the features of rivers and mountains. Today we combined this knowledge and were set the challenge to design and construct a mountain with a flowing river down it. We labelled our models with the features we have been learning about and had a lot…

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