Year 4 Forest School Trip Covert Woods 2023

Image of Year 4 Forest School Trip Covert Woods 2023

Welcome to Covert Woods Year 4. 

The bluebells were out as were the warmer temperatures. We started by listening to the birds and the sounds around us, followed by a blindfold game where the children had to lead each other to a tree and later on recognise it by using their senses


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Paddington Visits Year 3

Image of Paddington Visits Year 3

The staff and children of Year 3 arrived this morning to see Paddington had visited the year group...and had caused havoc across both classrooms! After further investigation, it seemed he had been intrigued by our learning about the famous fury creature, and wanted to pay us a visit. However, his…

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The Bridge Times Edition III

Image of The Bridge Times Edition III

We hope you enjoy the third edition of The Bridge Times, including an interview with the chair of the PTA and some exciting sports news.

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Year R papier-mâché bowls

Image of Year R papier-mâché bowls

Year R pupils are practising joining materials this term. Over the last two week, pupils have been making papier-mâché bowls within their art lessons (joining paper).


They began by making their own paste (glue) using 1 part flour and 2 parts water. They each measured out cups of the…

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Sky Arts Portrait Competition Success!

Image of Sky Arts Portrait Competition Success!

Last term, pupils in year 5 studied self-portraiture within their art lessons. Thirteen pupils also attended an after-school club and entered the SkyArts school portrait competition. Two of our amazing TAs, Mrs Shirley and Mrs Holdaway, kindly sat for us while the children painted their portraits…

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The Bridge Times Edition II

Image of The Bridge Times Edition II

We are delighted to announce that Edition II of the Bridge Times has arrived. Please click on the link below to find out what has been happening in school recently!

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Maths Day

Image of Maths Day

Our day began with a whole school magical and mathematical assembly, presented by Master Magician Tony Charles, which created tangible excitement about the magical possibilities of number.

Throughout the day, every year group then experienced a Magic show with a variety of exciting tricks…

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Dancing birds!

Image of Dancing birds!

Last term, Pupils in Year 6 explored electrical circuits within their science and DT lessons. Within DT, the majority of pupils designed and made dolls houses with lights and sounds; a small group made dancing toy birds.


With a flick of a switch, the birds dance, vibrate and spin around.…

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William Morris printing - Year 2

Image of William Morris printing - Year 2

Year 2 have been exploring relief printing and have created their own repeat patterns inspired the work of William Morris. Pupils have used their observational skills to draw from photographs of British wildlife and leaves. The drawings were then used when designing and making their own printing…

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Beowulf - Year 5

Image of Beowulf - Year 5

Last term, Year 5 were studying the story of Beowulf within their English lessons. Drawing upon their descriptions of the monster in their writing, pupils designed and constructed Grendel’s severed head from clay.

Beware, these sculptures are grotesque and incredibly scary!

We began the…

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Year R - loop the loop drawings

Image of Year R - loop the loop drawings

At the end of term 4 in art, Year R children continued to practise their gross and fine motor skills. The theme of the lesson was rainbows. We discussed what a rainbow is and when we might see one. We also looked at the colours in a rainbow and took time to discuss indigo and violet - colours they…

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3JA Beach Trip

Image of 3JA Beach Trip

On Tuesday, 3JA visited Tankerton beach for some activities that were inspired by our Topic of the Stone Age and Science exploration of Rocks.

The journey took 30 minutes and we were lucky to arrive before the rain! Our first activity was creating miniature models of Skara Brae and Stonehenge…

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