Year R cleaning windows!

Image of Year R cleaning windows!

Year R pupils have been practising their gross motor skills again this week and giving the school windows a quick wash at the same time! Inspired by our desire for sparkling windows, the children have been making zigzags, circles, up, down and crossing motions using both sides of their bodies.

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5JS Reading Prize

Image of 5JS Reading Prize

This morning, 5JS set off to the Beany for their reading prize. We were greeted by some ladies who introduced us to the library. The children listened carefully to how the library worked and the different sections that were available to them, including fiction and non-fiction books. The children…

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Peace Doves

Image of Peace Doves

At Bridge, we have taken part in the Peace Doves project in conjunction with Rochester Cathedral. This involved us learning about the value of peace and writing uplifting messages on our flock of doves. We looked at how we can create peace: at home, church and school, in Ukraine and within…

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Year 1 ice fun December 2022

Image of Year 1 ice fun December 2022

Cold but exciting times! 

The Year 1 children got to experience an afternoon outside in the icy conditions - we spotted some exciting footprints in the snow and they guessed which animals they were from. We had squirrels and different birds visiting and the children left food for them to help…

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Year One Christmas cards - DT

Image of Year One Christmas cards - DT

In DT last term, Year 1 made moving Christmas cards. During their morning work with class teachers, pupils worked independently to explore and practise making  simple mechanisms - levers and sliders - that enable parts of their cards to move! A lever pivots around a split pin and can partially…

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Stormy seas - Year 1

Image of Stormy seas - Year 1

Before Christmas, Year one watched a performance of The Storm Whale and The Storm Whale in Winter at The Marlowe Theatre. This term, they are reading the book The Storm Whale as part of their class project.


Throughout the term in art, pupils will be creating collage pictures inspired by…

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Throwing shapes on the dance floor - Year R

Image of Throwing shapes on the dance floor - Year R

Year R pupils have been practising their gross motor skills this week. Inspired by happiness and bubbles, we concentrated on making large round shapes using both arms.


Starting in the classroom, we practised a short dance which involved creating imaginary bubbles (circular movements with…

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Year 3 Egyptian Necklaces - DT

Image of Year 3 Egyptian Necklaces - DT

The Year three topic last term was Ancient Egypt. Within Design Technology, pupils designed and made necklaces inspired by Ancient Egyptian art. This was a textiles project and the main feature on each necklace is a rectangular shaped piece of weaving. Pupils also explored making tassels and paper…

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Year 6 Christmas music

Image of Year 6 Christmas music

Merry Christmas Everyone!


After a brilliant term learning Christmas music on the guitars and ukulele’s, on wed 14th December, year 6 travelled to Simon Langton Girls Grammar school where they performed ‘Merry Christmas Everyone’ with talented musicians from SLGGS. (Some of them ex-bridge…

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DT - Year 6 Chairs

Image of DT - Year 6 Chairs

The long awaited Year 6 chairs are here! The children finished making them on the penultimate day of term 2 – all day DT!


Throughout this project, Year 6 have: learnt about strong shapes and forces; explored materials, techniques, joins and structures; made initial designs inspired by…

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Year 5 Space Buggy DT

Image of Year 5 Space Buggy DT

In Year 5, we have created our own Space Buggy in response to our science learning this term on Earth and Space. We began by reflecting back on what we learnt about the different planets and their features. From this, we explored what our Space Buggy would need in order to investigate  these…

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The Great Fire of London - Year 2

Image of The Great Fire of London - Year 2

As part of our history work on The Great Fire of London, the children were set a Design and Technology challenge to rebuild London after the fire. They were given various materials and had to choose which to use and how best to join them together. Working in small groups, they designed their…

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