Conversations About Life Online - NSPCC

Image of Conversations About Life Online - NSPCC

Children are spending more and more time using the internet and helping them to understand the internet better is the best way to shield them from its worst excesses.

I’d like to draw your attention to an article the NSPCC published earlier this month: ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for…

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Year 3 Magnificent Mountains

Image of Year 3 Magnificent Mountains

To finalise our learning on Mountains and Rivers this term, today we designed and made our own models. To begin with, we chose the materials we wanted to use before getting to work on our masterpieces. Once the models were complete we added the labels, detailing the features of both rivers and…

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Woodland Trip Year 2

Image of Woodland Trip Year 2

Welcome to the woods! 

The sun was shining and Mr Frost had come out for our trip to the wider woodlands. We looked at where the pine trees and broadleaf trees grow. There was so much room for exploration with natural materials and we returned with many happy and tired faces. 

Year 2 went on…

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Woodland trip Year 3

Image of Woodland trip Year 3


Welcome to the woods! 

The sun was shining and Mr Frost had come out for our trip to the wider woodlands. We looked at where the pine trees and broadleaf trees grow. There was so much room for exploration with natural materials and we returned with many happy and tired faces. 

Year 3…

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Forest School Term 3 Year 3

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year 3

This term Year 3 learned about rivers and rocks - which we built on in Forest School. The children let water flow down the mound although it was difficult to follow the flow of the water. They ended up taking  the long gutter for support and making use of the new water butts. The children found…

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Forest School Term 3 Year 2

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year 2

Our first week back was too stormy to be outside - we found out about the Big Bird Watch instead indoors. The children listened to bird poems, brainstormed what they know about garden birds already, took a quiz about which garden bird they were, they made binoculars and created their bird log…

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Forest School Term 3 Year 1

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year 1

We had the owl babies visiting Forest School this term. Year 1 played a bird game - trying to find wool of different colours and learning about camouflaging. We supported the birds in our area but making natural bird feeders from apples, seeds and string. After a couple of weeks they had all…

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Forest School Term 3 Year R

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year R

FE FI FO FUM who likes to have fun? 

Forest School had some fairy tale inspirations this term. We read Goldilocks, made binoculars to go on an animal hunt, explored small animal world play and climbed the ladder. The weather was icy - and who needs more than a natural playground (as long as you…

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Storm Whales collages - Year 1

Image of Storm Whales collages - Year 1

Throughout the term, Year 1 pupils have been working towards the completion of their Storm Whale collages, inspired by Benji Davies' book, The Storm Whale. Pupils have created a background, midground and foreground for their artwork. Their backgrounds depict a stormy sea using oil pastels and…

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Sea dance - Year R

Image of Sea dance - Year R

To practise their gross motor skills this week, Year R pupils have been swimming through an imaginary sea!


To begin, we had a gentle swim in the tranquil sea. We practised our front stroke, back stroke and breast stroke to ‘Sitting on the Dock of the Bay’. Very relaxing. When the imaginary…

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Masked Year 4s

Image of Masked Year 4s

Have you ever watched the Masked Singer or The Masked Dancer on the Tv? If you have, you may have marvelled at the masks that the contestants wear. Year 4 were challenged to imagine that they were going to be on this show. They had to explore, research, design, make and evaluate a mask. They had…

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Bridge at the Beaney

Image of Bridge at the Beaney

Last week, Year 4s had an excellent trip to Canterbury. First, we went to the Beaney Museum and Gallery. Murray and Charlotte were the fantastic guides who showed us around the portrait exhibition and the Mirror Mirror exhibition. They explained the use of imagery in painting as well as the use of…

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