Beowulf - Year 5

Image of Beowulf - Year 5

Last term, Year 5 were studying the story of Beowulf within their English lessons. Drawing upon their descriptions of the monster in their writing, pupils designed and constructed Grendel’s severed head from clay.

Beware, these sculptures are grotesque and incredibly scary!

We began the…

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Year R - loop the loop drawings

Image of Year R - loop the loop drawings

At the end of term 4 in art, Year R children continued to practise their gross and fine motor skills. The theme of the lesson was rainbows. We discussed what a rainbow is and when we might see one. We also looked at the colours in a rainbow and took time to discuss indigo and violet - colours they…

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3JA Beach Trip

Image of 3JA Beach Trip

On Tuesday, 3JA visited Tankerton beach for some activities that were inspired by our Topic of the Stone Age and Science exploration of Rocks.

The journey took 30 minutes and we were lucky to arrive before the rain! Our first activity was creating miniature models of Skara Brae and Stonehenge…

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The Bridge Times Newspaper is BACK!

Image of The Bridge Times Newspaper is BACK!

We are delighted to see that four Year 5 children have resurrected the school newspaper - The Bridge Times. You can see the first edition below, we hope it will be the first of many!

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Year 5 Forest School Term 5 2023

Image of Year 5 Forest School Term 5 2023

This term has been filled with new experiments and challenges.

Year 5 were the first to make their own pencils

They built a fire, cut willow branches with secateurs, placed them in a tin with a little hole in made by a nail,  in embers (until the colour of the smoke changed) and they used…

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Year 4 Term 4 2023 Forest School

Image of Year 4 Term 4 2023 Forest School

Term 4 saw some new and adventurous sessions in Forest School.

We introduced the new slack line, which runs between two trees and helps children with their balancing skills. 

We talked about Equinox (Equi= equal, nox = night), the beginning of spring where night and day are the same length.…

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3LC Beach Trip

Image of 3LC Beach Trip

3LC visited Tankerton Beach today as a way to finish off our Stone Age History topic.

Before lunch, we did two activities:

The first activity was rebuilding Scara Brae or Stonehenge out of rocks that we found on the beach. We really liked this even though it was hard. Our second activity was…

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Forest School Year 1 Term 4 2023

Image of Forest School Year 1 Term 4 2023

Term 4 started with 'Happy pancake day'! 

Children made a fire and they are brilliant by now at remembering the rules. They had to mix the batter - 1 grated apple, 1 cup oat milk, 2 cups flour, they had to spoon it in the pan, flip it and then ENJOY the campfire pancake. Some children tried…

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Forest School Year R Term 4

Image of Forest School Year R Term 4

Term 4 started off with learning all about birds. We played a game where they learned about camouflaging worms, we read the book Owl babies and acted the story out with puppets, they made bird feeders with cones, lard, toilet role and seeds, they created little and big birds nests and the…

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Coronation Bench competition - Year 6

Image of Coronation Bench competition - Year 6

Earlier in the term 4, six wonderful artists in Year 6 worked together after school to create a ‘Coronation Bench’ design to be entered into an art competition run by The Tower of London.


Well done Alfie, Melita, Stella, Poppy Mae, Finley and Lily! From more than 1,500 bench designs, our…

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Cheerleading News - Miss Rattigan

Image of Cheerleading News - Miss Rattigan

An interview with Miss Rattigan to hear her latest cheerleading news


Q1: Where was your most recent competition and what was it?


A1: Birmingham national competition.


Q2 : What do you want to achieve by the end of your career?


A2: To have a strong team who works…

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Year 3 Cave Art!

Image of Year 3 Cave Art!

In English today, we had an Experience Day looking at the Stone Age medium of cave art. We explored the meaning behind lots of different examples and discussed why and how these illustrations would have been created. Following that, we divided into 'Stone Age Tribes' and devised a backstory for…

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