Year 4 Forest School Summer Term 6












































































































This summer term Year 4 created habitats for animals that live in our area . Some sowed wildflowers (which are now flowering) for bees and insects, some made a trap door out of wood using hammer and nails for insects to live underneath, some made bird nests and others created wood piles and bug hotels. They filled up the bird feeders with seeds and harvested strawberries from our home-grown patch. 

We made a Forest web with ropes, children and pictures for them to learn about how important all elements are for each other, like water, sun, trees, flowers with nectar and animals.

Some children helped to fix the stag beetle habitat with rotting wood and soil and we learned the ancient Japanese art of printing called 'Hapa Zome', using a mallet, plants and fabric. A sample can be seen on the Forest School board outside the big hall in the school.

For the last week, Year 4 asked to cook over the fire and build group shelters - and that is what we did. They cut apples, dipped them in sugar and cinnamon and let it caramelise over the camp fire. They were definitely a hit! 

Have a great summer holiday everyone.