Mrs Tomsett and I have really enjoyed working with a small group of Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils who have been working towards their Discovery Arts Award within our Art Club.
The theme was ‘The environment’. Pupils created art inspired by the environment and the nature around them. They worked with recycled fabric to create woven art pieces and independently researched textiles artists. They created prints from leaves using a printing press and cyanotypes (a photographic process) to record man-made rubbish discarded amidst nature. The group also explored Henri Matisse's cut-outs and used 'Polynesia, the sky' as inspiration for a collaborative, large-scale print of birds in flight. This will be displayed within the school very soon.
In our last session, the group responded and reflected their experiences through the art of doodling and eating ice lollies. The certificates were awarded and their achievement celebrated within assembly.
I do not want to forget Hugo and Alp who did not make the photograph above. Well done to everyone involved.
Please see some highlights from the Arts Award club in the gallery below: