Year One were very excited to welcome the Rt Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin (the Bishop of Dover and the Bishop in Canterbury) into school. Rose was invited by the palace to be part of the coronation ceremony and presented The Queen Consort's Rod. Year One interviewed Rose about her previous experience as Queen Elizabeth's chaplain and her involvement in the ceremony. The children were delighted to hear about Rose's sleepover at Windsor Castle, her first meeting with Prince Charles and her clerical clothing. It was fascinating to hear about the Coronation from Rose and the huge honour she felt at being asked to take on this role, especially as she was one of only five people to receive communion during the ceremony.
Bishop Rose also led our whole school worship. We learnt about her background, her move to England from Montego Bay (Jamaica), her memories of Sunday School and how her friendship with Jesus began.
Rose led us in prayer:
As we pray we give God thanks for this beautiful day, for the sunshine, for our friendships with one another, for our teacher, our families and all those who help us day by day to become the best that we can be. But we thank God especially for loving us all and for wanting to be our friend. Help us Lord Jesus to walk with you and in that journey to remember that our friendship with you means that we are free to be friends with others as together we work to becoming the best that we can be. Amen