Year 3 Medicine Making

Image of Year 3 Medicine Making

To celebrate our English work on George's Marvellous Medicine, a book which sees a mischievous young boy, George, meddle with his grandmother's medicine in a bid to liven her up a little, Year 3 have been brewing up an equally exciting medicine. Each child brought in one ingredient and one by one,…

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Forest School Year 5 Autumn Term 1

Image of Forest School Year 5 Autumn Term 1

Welcome back to Forest School Year 5.

We started this term with a tree guessing game and following on from last year, we went over some knots, including the reef knot and square lashings which helps to combine two pieces of wood together. The children made their own creations, like dream…

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Forest School Year 3 Autumn Term 1

Image of Forest School Year 3 Autumn Term 1

Welcome back to Forest School Year 3. 

 We started off building tunnels - fitting in with the book Year 3 was reading, thinking about how we stay safe when building constructions. Children could choose which groups they wanted to work in and as it was a little rainy the tunnels served as great…

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Year 2 Forest School Autumn Term 1

Image of Year 2 Forest School Autumn Term 1

Welcome back to Forest School Year 2. 

We started off looking closely at what has changed/is growing in the Forest School area by using Queen silhouettes, focusing on a small area (and remembering the Queen). 

This term the children explored conkers, learning the name 'Horse Chestnut tree',…

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Year 1 Forest School Autumn Term 1

Image of Year 1 Forest School Autumn Term 1

Welcome back to Forest School Year 1. 

We started off looking closely at what has changed/is growing in the Forest School area by using Queen silhouettes, focusing on a small area (and remembering the Queen). 

This term the children explored conkers, learning the name 'Horse Chestnut tree',…

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Year R draw fruit and veg

Image of Year R draw fruit and veg

At the end of term 1, Year R children all had the opportunity to practise their observational skills and draw from fruit and vegetables. As a class, we discussed how and where fruit and vegetables are grown and what the seeds are for. We also looked carefully at their shape, form, colours and…

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Pumpkin Soup!

Image of Pumpkin Soup!

Last term, Reception were busy learning about autumn and harvest time. We looked at seasonal changes, performed songs at Harvest Festival, and used autumnal natural objects and vegetables in role play, art and maths. Two of the stories we learned were “The Gigantic Turnip” and “Pumpkin Soup”. We…

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Inky BEASTS - Year One

Image of Inky BEASTS - Year One

Mark-making inspired by ‘Billy and the Beast’. 


This term, Year one have been reading the book ‘Billy and the Beast’, by author and illustrator Nadia Shireen. Within art, we looked at Nadia Shireen’s illustrations and as a class discussed how she used her marks and lines to describe…

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Tremendous Tag Rugby Effort!

Image of Tremendous Tag Rugby Effort!

(Salma, Eleanor and Cara -Y6):

On Tuesday this week, 14 pupils from Bridge School went to Tag Rugby at the Canterbury Rugby Club to compete in a tournament. We split into 2 teams : 1 and 2. We led some warm-ups before our first games. Bridge 1 won most of their games, competing very well.…

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Pilgrims Way Art workshop

Image of Pilgrims Way Art workshop

Art workshop with Pilgrims Way


Mrs Tomsett and I were very pleased to be invited to Pilgrims Way to run an Art workshop this week. We took a small group of talented Year 5 Bridge pupils, working towards an Arts Award, to collaborate with equally talented pupils from Pilgrims Way Primary…

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Handball Happiness!

Image of Handball Happiness!

This week, 2 teams of children from Year 6 went to a Handball competition at Canterbury Academy. There were 3 ‘leagues’ with approximately 15 schools attending. Both of our teams played really well and improved their skills in each match. Here are some comments from the children:

“We saw lots…

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Self portraits - Year R

Image of Self portraits - Year R

Over the last two weeks, Year R pupils have been given the opportunity to draw a self-portrait. This task was designed to help the children express themselves and build their own identity. Observing themselves in the mirror, pupils decided where to place their facial features on their drawing and…

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