Year 3 Bridge Walk

Image of Year 3 Bridge Walk

Last week, the children of Year 3 went on a study walk of Bridge, led by Mrs Vye and Mrs Whatley of the Bridge Historical Society. Prior to the walk, the children were taken on a virtual tour of the village in 1834 when the Bridge Arms was the White Horse and The Close was The Bridge Union…

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Autumn leaves - Year 1

Image of Autumn leaves - Year 1

Over the last two weeks, Year 1 have been creating autumn leaves from their marking-making paintings. Pupils neatly drew around leaf templates with HB pencil and then carefully cut out the shape - practising cutting skills. They attached a piece of wire to the back of their leaf with sticky tape,…

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Sports Crew Training

Image of Sports Crew Training

On Tuesday 27th September, some Year 5 children went to Canterbury Academy for training on how to be a member of Sports Crew. There were several schools there and the Crew were asked to think about what skills are needed for this and then they had to create a game (or games) that they could teach…

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Year 6 @ PGL (Day 1)

Image of Year 6 @ PGL (Day 1)

After an uneventful journey, we all arrived safely at the PGL centre in Hailsham and the children were keen to meet ‘Steve-O’ their group leader and get on with their activities. 

This afternoon the children have had a mix of fencing, climbing and trapeze and everyone has been great at giving…

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5JS Forest School

Image of 5JS Forest School

Yesterday, 5JS had great fun at forest school. We began by looking at pine cones and made predictions about what would happen if we put them into cold water. Some children thought they would close up and some thought they would crumble. We put a few in a bowl of water and put it to one side. We…

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Year 5 Day 2

Image of Year 5 Day 2

Another fun-packed day here; our feet have not touched the ground! The day began with breakfast around the fire followed by the children learning how to build and light fires in their tribes. After s’mores, they went on to learn how to handle knives safely and then whittled their own tent pegs.…

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Year 5 Day 1

Image of Year 5 Day 1

Day one met all of our expectations and more! From the moment we arrived the children have been busy and have enjoyed every minute. They were put into their tribes, worked in teams to create shelters, danced, sang songs around the fire and then it was time for lunch; no excuses from now on they…

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Year 1 mark-making

Image of Year 1 mark-making

In Art, pupils in Year one have been exploring mark-making but not with traditional tools! As a class, we looked at marks and lines made with unusual household objects and discussed what they reminded us of – the texture of crocodile skin, grass, fur, bricks etc.

Pupils were encouraged to mix…

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Yr R - drawing, observation and creepy crawlies.

Image of Yr R - drawing, observation and creepy crawlies.

Year R had their first Art lesson today! The children explored my collection of insects (in resin) and peacock feathers. To start the lesson, pupils looked closely at the creepy crawlies and discussed them. How many legs do the insects have? Which have wings? Can you see their eyes?


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Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

Image of Year 3 Egg Drop Challenge

To conclude our learning on Forces this term, we explored the air resistance of parachutes! To test our learning, we made parachutes for hard boiled eggs! The teachers then dropped the parachutists out of the window as we watched from the ground with our fingers crossed for a safe landing. The…

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Year 3 Sound Collector Poems

Image of Year 3 Sound Collector Poems

Year 3 have been exploring the poem, Sound Collector, by the poet Roger McGough. The poem imagines a world without the noises that fill our ears so we went on a sound walk around school to identify to sounds of Bridge! After this, we were treated to a personal reading of the poem by Roger himself,…

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Clockwork illustrations - Year 5

Image of Clockwork illustrations - Year 5

Within their English lessons this term, Year 5 have been describing the characters Karl and Fritz from the book ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. To support their writing, pupils have been using these descriptions to inspire drawings of the characters in their Art lessons.

As a class, we looked…

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