Our day began with a whole school magical and mathematical assembly, presented by Master Magician Tony Charles, which created tangible excitement about the magical possibilities of number.
Throughout the day, every year group then experienced a Magic show with a variety of exciting tricks which was followed up by a workshop enabling pupils to learn the secrets behind the magic; many of the children practised the tricks several times to ensure that they were ready to go home and trick their parents!
Back in their classrooms the children continued to be immersed in mathematical activities with a wide range of exciting challenges to complete. Some classes learnt about famous mathematicians whilst others played dice and addition games, competed in a bean bag bucket challenge (practising their addition skills), built and compared towers, learnt new games or designed games of their own. The Year 5 pupils later shared the games that they had made with the Year 2 pupils. Across the school pupils were involved in problem solving, code breaking and calculation challenges including ‘The case of the contaminated chocolate’, (where they had to follow several clues in order to find the culprit) and assisting the Easter Bunny (by finding all of the different patterns that could be used to decorate the eggs). Pupils also spent time outside engaging in a variety of activities including finding doubles in nature, recording calculations on the playground, completing treasure hunts, making 2d shapes using sticks, using natural materials to complete magic squares and tackling orienteering challenges.
It was a busy, fun-filled day for everyone!