Observational Drawing of Playmobil - Year R

Image of Observational Drawing of Playmobil - Year R

Last week, Year R practised their observational skills when drawing from Playmobil people. They were asked to look carefully at the object as they drew and to think about breaking their drawing into larger shapes as a starting point (circles, rectangles, triangles etc). They learnt about how to…

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Greek Gods and Goddesses - Year 5

Image of Greek Gods and Goddesses - Year 5

Within Art this term, Year 5 pupils designed and created mixed media artworks depicting powerful Greek Gods and Goddesses. As a class, we started the project by discussing the work of illustrator Jeffery Alan Love and Ancient Greek pottery and sculpture depicting the Gods. Pupils then drew their…

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Doodling and Popcorn - Art club

Image of Doodling and Popcorn - Art club

The last Art Club of the term! Doodling and popcorn. We chilled out, chatted and doodled together on a long roll of paper with sharpies. Calming, good for the soul and the kids’ well-being!

Please see the gallery below:

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5HA and 2GD Reading Prize

Image of 5HA and 2GD Reading Prize

Each term, the whole school takes part in a reading competition to see which class reads the most time during the term. The winners for last term were lucky enough to have : ex members of staff and parents ( all who have a love for reading and writing) come in and share a morning with the…

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Year 5 Greek Day

Image of Year 5 Greek Day

What a fantastic morning we have had in Year 5 with Aleka Samothraki ( a parent  in our school) . We have been learning about Ancient Greeks this term and Aleka offered to come in and share the morning teaching the children how to write their names in Greek. She very kindly prepared a feast of…

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Year 5 Mandarin

Image of Year 5 Mandarin

What a great opportunity Year 5 have been given! On Monday afternoons, we have Jin coming in to teach the children Mandarin. The children have been leaning how to greet people, to count and other useful phrases. It is the first time that Jin has left his home country and is full of energy and…

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Turner Contemporary Art Gallery

Image of Turner Contemporary Art Gallery

Last week, we took a small group of Year 1 and 2 pupils to the Turner Contemporary gallery in Margate. We had a tour around the current exhibition and took part in a sensory workshop. The activities planned by staff at the gallery were along the theme of game, adventure and travel.

After a warm…

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Kent Schools Golf Championship News

Image of Kent Schools Golf Championship News

On 3rd May, Christina (Year6) competed in the Kent Schools Golf Championships. Oscar (School Council , Year 6) interviewed her and Georgia (Year 6) took notes:

O: How long did it take to get to the tournament?
C: 45 minutes.

O: What sort of tournament was it?
C: A tournament for…

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Year 6 Relief prints - figures

Image of Year 6 Relief prints - figures

This term, Year 6 have created relief prints inspired by their ‘human figure in motion’ sculptures. The prints have been made using three printing plates. The backgrounds are collagraph (collage) prints made from fabric attached to a cardboard base with PVA glue and printed using a printing press.…

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Ceramic tiles

Image of Ceramic tiles

Year 3 have had a wonderful time making flower relief tiles from clay. They investigated relief art forms and designed their tiles using their knowledge about the parts and functions of a plant from their science lessons. They used many skills such as rolling, shaping, smoothing and attaching 2…

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Year 2 Duck Day

Image of Year 2 Duck Day

Year 2 were fortunate enough to be surrogate parents to 6 ducklings for the day, today! Every child had the opportunity to hold a duckling, sketch it after careful observation and use their new-found science knowledge to present the ‘Life Cycle of a Duck’, in words and pictures. Naturally, duck…

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Forest School Year 3 17.5.22

Image of Forest School Year 3 17.5.22

We started off with the game 'you are only safe if...' to learn more about the trees and plants in our area. It was hot and sunny this week and more importantly not stormy or rainy so we could go ahead and make our fires. We read the book 'Fiery Fox' to learn about how we light fires safely and…

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