You may have already seen some spectacular peacocks strutting proudly home! Where have they come from?
Well, to celebrate their topic of Indonesia this term, Year 2 pupils have been practising the traditional Peacock Dance within their PE lessons with Laura. The only thing missing was the traditional costume. So, as part of their art project, the pupils drew peacock feathers and then attached them to a hat inspired by the Peacock Dance headpiece.
The children had the opportunity to see some genuine Indonesian wooden masks decorated using batik. Batik is an art and textile technique used in Indonesian culture. Unable to use hot wax to decorate our hats, we used wax crayons instead. Pupils then painted over their wax patterns in peacock blue. Similar to the batik technique, the wax resisted the paint and created a wonderful, batik-like effect (wax-resist).
I just love these. Please see a few examples in our gallery below: