Forest School Year 5 Term 6

Image of Forest School Year 5 Term 6

Year 5 were the first Year group to try out the Kelly Kettle. They collected small wooden sticks, lit the fire and learned how to safely feed the fire when the Kelly Kettle is on. We boiled water, used fire strikers and enjoyed a hot chocolate. Some children were fascinated with where the…

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5HA Poetry June 2023

Image of 5HA Poetry June 2023

To recognise refugee week, Year 5 looked at the poem Refugees by Brian Bilston. The poem is a palindrome which gives two very different perspectives of how refugees are perceived and welcomed by their host countries. We decided that we would not share too much information with the children…

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Clockwork shadow puppets - Year 5

Image of Clockwork shadow puppets - Year 5

Last term, Year 5 studied ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. Pupils have at last finished designing, making and performing with their shadow-puppets inspired by the book. They explored the traditional shadow puppets from South East Asia and the work of German animator and film director, Lotte…

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Year 5 Greek Day 2023

Image of Year 5 Greek Day 2023

On Thursday the 22nd of June, Year Five were treated to a wonderful Greek day. We had lots of fun learning all about Greek history. In the morning  Malena,  Spyros and Aleka came in to help us write our names in Greek, on tiles or plates. Thankfully,  Malena had written all our names out already…

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5JS Biodiversity Trip

Image of 5JS Biodiversity Trip

Yesterday, 5JS were extremely lucky to visit Simon Langton Girls school for a day of biodiversity activities. We begun the day by going on a bug hunt using identification sheets to identify what we had caught. We used nets and a sweeping technique through the grass. We found lots of centipedes, a…

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Forest School woodland trip Year 5 2023

Image of Forest School woodland trip Year 5 2023

The sun was shining for our trip to the woodlands at Covert Woods. 

We listened to the birds and noises around us - life can be so busy and it is very calming to stop and take in the surroundings. 

The children found interesting natural items on the forest floor and talked to their friends…

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Year 5 Forest School Term 5 2023

Image of Year 5 Forest School Term 5 2023

Year 5 got to choose and use lots of tools. They made fairy furniture like swings and houses with saws, knives, peelers, loppers, secateurs and hammers. Acrylic paint was used to add some features. Some children made a noughts and crosses game, sawing all of the counters, which now all children in…

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Creative Folkestone - Year 5 banner

Image of Creative Folkestone - Year 5 banner

Thank you, Creative Folkestone, for inviting us to an art workshop last week.


Fifteen Year 5 pupils were given the opportunity to work with two local artists, Tania and Emily, to make a banner celebrating our school. After some initial brain-storming of ideas, Tania and Emily used the…

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Sky Arts Portrait Competition Success!

Image of Sky Arts Portrait Competition Success!

Last term, pupils in year 5 studied self-portraiture within their art lessons. Thirteen pupils also attended an after-school club and entered the SkyArts school portrait competition. Two of our amazing TAs, Mrs Shirley and Mrs Holdaway, kindly sat for us while the children painted their portraits…

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Beowulf - Year 5

Image of Beowulf - Year 5

Last term, Year 5 were studying the story of Beowulf within their English lessons. Drawing upon their descriptions of the monster in their writing, pupils designed and constructed Grendel’s severed head from clay.

Beware, these sculptures are grotesque and incredibly scary!

We began the…

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Year 5 Forest School Term 5 2023

Image of Year 5 Forest School Term 5 2023

This term has been filled with new experiments and challenges.

Year 5 were the first to make their own pencils

They built a fire, cut willow branches with secateurs, placed them in a tin with a little hole in made by a nail,  in embers (until the colour of the smoke changed) and they used…

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Year 5 self-portraits

Image of Year 5 self-portraits

This term, Year 5 have been studying the self-portrait. We began the project by exploring self-portraits by well-known artists and learning a little about the artists’ lives. In preparation for drawing their own self-portraits using 2B/4B pencil, we discussed the proportions of the face and the…

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