A massive thank you to Vicky Kirk, a director of Studio Partington (an award-winning London architect practice), who visited our school this week to run an Architecture workshop for ten Year 6 pupils. Vicky introduced the diverse role of an architect and talked about the variety of buildings, structures and spaces that architects design. The children became Master-Planners - creating a vibrant and inventive new city through the use of 2d and 3d model-making. The group explored the different elements that make up a new city and what must be considered, designed and constructed to meet the needs of the city’s future community.
The children responded to the geographical conditions and natural features by creating a tree house above a swamp; a canal system to travel around the city and they made use of wind turbines for power. They predominately chose to use recycled materials in order to lower their carbon footprint. It is a very modern city!
Vicky finished the workshop by discussing different pathways into the profession, including what GCSEs and A levels to consider. It was a really fun morning! Please view some images of the new city in the gallery below: