Textiles - Fibre Art by year 4

Image of Textiles - Fibre Art by year 4

Year 4 are delighted to share with you our cross curricular project inspired by the life and work of Faith Ringgold, an African American, female artist and author.

Our current display is of our own ‘fibre art’, a title used by Faith to describe her own particular form of art, combining…

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Roman Drama Workshop & Bread Making

Image of Roman Drama Workshop & Bread Making

Year 4 have had a great week baking Roman bread and participating in a drama workshop. The children imagined arriving in Ancient Britain and acted out how to build Roman roads, trade and march as a soldier.

They were very enthusiastic and it was lots of fun.

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Hockey News!

Image of Hockey News!

 Tom and Sam (Year 4) have been selected for the Canterbury U10 Boys A-Team this year (both being the youngest in their age group). Their team played in the County Tournament in Folkestone on Sunday 27th February and they were runners-up (silver medallists to Sevenoaks who they actually beat in…

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Roman Artefact Afternoon

Image of Roman Artefact Afternoon

Yesterday, year 4 investigated and explored Roman artefacts from Canterbury museum. They handled coins, jewellery and pieces of Roman mosaic. A lovely afternoon. 

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Waterstones Book Trip

Image of Waterstones Book Trip

Four children from Year 4 had a lovely afternoon selecting books for our book corner. Our surprise trip to Waterstones was to spend reward money for doing so much reading last term and being top of the school reading chart! We asked the class for their choices and tried to buy a variety of genres…

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Junior Agility Championship

Image of Junior Agility Championship

We're always keen to hear about our children's extra-curricular activities outside of school:

On the 15th and 16th January I went to the Open Junior Agility Championship with my two and half year old dog called Tilly. This was our first big event and I was very excited to be competing. I was…

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Year 4 International Mask Exhibition

Image of Year 4 International Mask Exhibition

At the beginning of Term 2, Year 4 children were challenged to make a mask as part of an exhibition for the ’V & A Local’ at Bridge School. The children studied the ancient Maya people and culture as part of their history topic. They learnt that the Maya had different types of masks for different…

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Investigating teeth

Image of Investigating teeth

Our science this term is learning about” Humans and other animals” so our first lesson was about teeth. We had to bite into an apple and notice how we ate it and which teeth we used first. Then we used mirrors to explore our own teeth. It was fascinating to learn about carnivores, herbivore and…

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Sam's Olympic Hockey Experience

Image of Sam's Olympic Hockey Experience

It was fantastic to hear that just before Christmas Sam, in year 4, took part in the Indoor Hockey Championships at the end of December, playing for Canterbury U10 Boys. The event took place at the Copper Box Arena at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford. They were pleased to come away…

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Twickenham Excitement

Image of Twickenham Excitement

A few weeks ago, some children from Year 4 were lucky enough to go to Twickenham to play in a junior rugby tournament prior to an international match between the Barbarians and South Africa. Oliver (4ST) wrote:

“When we got on the bus, I was really tired because we had to wake up at 6am to go…

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Sportshall Athletics - Year 4

Image of Sportshall Athletics - Year 4

On 24th November, a team of 20 children from Year 4 took part in the annual Sportshall Athletics competition. This is a very exciting and energetic event and the children were fantastic! They all tried their hardest and came second out of 8 schools. Here are some quotes from the children:


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Mayan Day

Image of Mayan Day

Thank you to everyone in year 4 for participating so enthusiastically in our Mayan Day. The outfits were brilliant. We all enjoyed being explorers and discovering new things about the Maya. We learnt about a few of the many gods including the sun god and the maize god and why they were so…

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