Self portraits - Year R

Image of Self portraits - Year R

Over the last two weeks, Year R pupils have been given the opportunity to draw a self-portrait. This task was designed to help the children express themselves and build their own identity. Observing themselves in the mirror, pupils decided where to place their facial features on their drawing and…

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Yr R - drawing, observation and creepy crawlies.

Image of Yr R - drawing, observation and creepy crawlies.

Year R had their first Art lesson today! The children explored my collection of insects (in resin) and peacock feathers. To start the lesson, pupils looked closely at the creepy crawlies and discussed them. How many legs do the insects have? Which have wings? Can you see their eyes?


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Year R - observational paintings of plants

Image of Year R - observational paintings of plants

Within Art this year, Year R have been practising their drawing and making skills; they have explored a broad range of art media and tools and have been developing their fine motor skills. Pupils have also been working on their observational skills.

It is important that young children begin to…

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Observational Drawing of Playmobil - Year R

Image of Observational Drawing of Playmobil - Year R

Last week, Year R practised their observational skills when drawing from Playmobil people. They were asked to look carefully at the object as they drew and to think about breaking their drawing into larger shapes as a starting point (circles, rectangles, triangles etc). They learnt about how to…

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Year R insects

Image of Year R insects

As part of the Year R ‘insect’ topic, pupils have been making their own small creatures from cardboard. Their starting point was an oval cardboard base with two holes. They decorated them with colour pencils and felt tip pens; cut out and attached paper wings; made extra holes with a hole punch…

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Imaginary worlds - Year R

Image of Imaginary worlds - Year R

Inspired by the British sculptor Philip King, Year R pupils have been making their own mini sculptures using paper. I asked the children to imagine that were tiny and able to walk through their sculptures - imaginary worlds in miniature. This allowed the pupils to consider scale, form and space.…

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Year R - Week 4 Art and music

Image of Year R - Week 4 Art and music

Within our Reception Art and Music project this week, the children responded to four contrasting pieces of music.

To begin the lesson, pupils moved their bodies and danced to all four pieces of music. As a class, we discussed how the music made them feel and how their movements changed to…

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Week 3 - Yr R Music and Art

Image of Week 3 - Yr R Music and Art

It’s week 3 of our Music and Art project – Mrs Brookes led a music lesson using the children’s homemade instruments and drawing upon previous learning. To warm up, the children marched like dinosaurs and moved to a steady beat.

Pupils then tapped, shook and scraped their instruments; each of…

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Year R - Music and Art

Image of Year R - Music and Art

Art and Music have been collaborating within Year R lessons this term. Reception pupils have been exploring musical instruments to tap, shake and scrape. Last week pupils made their own musical instruments with Mrs Smith and decorated them using inspiration from shapes found within Henri Matisse’s…

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Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

Image of Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!

This week Year R opened their own pizza restaurant. Pupils took on the role of chef and practised their (scissor) cutting skills when making a tasty looking selection of pizzas - unfortunately inedible. They had a selection of paper ingredients to choose from – tomato sauce, pepperoni, green…

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Fireworks - Year R

Image of Fireworks - Year R

To celebrate Guy Fawkes night, Year R created drawings of fireworks with chalk pastels. This is a very creative art medium. Pupils smudged the bright coloured pastels with their fingers, moved them around the page and made a bit of a mess! They had photographs of fireworks around them and a video…

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Yr R mark-making

Image of Yr R mark-making

Over the last three weeks, Year R have been experimenting with mark-making. They have been dipping objects and tools into poster paint and moving them around their A3 page to make a variety of marks on their paper. They have also been mixing primary colours in their paint trays to make secondary…

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