Year R - Music and Art
Art and Music have been collaborating within Year R lessons this term. Reception pupils have been exploring musical instruments to tap, shake and scrape. Last week pupils made their own musical instruments with Mrs Smith and decorated them using inspiration from shapes found within Henri Matisse’s…
Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!
This week Year R opened their own pizza restaurant. Pupils took on the role of chef and practised their (scissor) cutting skills when making a tasty looking selection of pizzas - unfortunately inedible. They had a selection of paper ingredients to choose from – tomato sauce, pepperoni, green…
Fireworks - Year R
To celebrate Guy Fawkes night, Year R created drawings of fireworks with chalk pastels. This is a very creative art medium. Pupils smudged the bright coloured pastels with their fingers, moved them around the page and made a bit of a mess! They had photographs of fireworks around them and a video…
Yr R mark-making
Over the last three weeks, Year R have been experimenting with mark-making. They have been dipping objects and tools into poster paint and moving them around their A3 page to make a variety of marks on their paper. They have also been mixing primary colours in their paint trays to make secondary…
Year R weaving
Over the last two weeks, pupils in year R have been weaving. They have weaved on both small individual weaving cards and large-scale weaving through boxes, fences, and pallets. It is a great way to create funky art and it provides opportunities for children to strengthen their gross motor control,…