Competition Winners in Year 2

Image of Competition Winners in Year 2

Congratulations to Year 2 for being the winners of a competition run by the Scottish Gallery in Edinburgh to celebrate he work of Artist, Author and illustrator Emily Sutton. The children learnt a little about Emily and her work and then wrote about one of their toys and why it was special to…

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Pesky clay rats

Image of Pesky clay rats

We hope that the families of Year 2 have enjoyed their clay rats? these delightful creatures were made by Year 2 as part of their Art project linked to Science; Animals including humans and English ‘That Pesky Rat’ in Term 3. the children studied texture and how to create a ‘furry’ look to their…

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Creepy Claws visit Year2

Image of Creepy Claws visit Year2

On Wednesday 8th January 2025 Michael Tyler from Creepy Claws brought just a few of his many rescued pets to visit year 2 as part of their learning in English; a non chronological pet report and Science; all about animals including humans. We were delighted to meet Cleo the royal python, Womble…

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Year 2 Forest School Term 2 2024-2025

Image of Year 2 Forest School Term 2 2024-2025

Welcome to our Term 2 Forest school. During the first session we learned about bats. They read facts and found hidden bats in the area. We looked at a bat box, played the bat game, learned about echolocation and lots of children enjoyed making their own bats from cardboard. 

In session 2 we…

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Stained glass windows - Year 2

Image of Stained glass windows - Year 2

Last week, Year 2 were privileged to have stained-glass window expert, Buffer Tucker, visit them in class and run a special workshop. Buffy is now retired but used to work in the stained-glass windows department at Canterbury Cathedral. As well as a career restoring historical windows, Buffy has…

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Florence Nightingale Learning

Image of Florence Nightingale Learning

Our History topic this term has been exploring the life and work of Florence Nightingale and learning about why she was significant. To round off our learning, the children made lamps and Crimean soldiers’ hats. They then immersed themselves in role playing being soldiers from the Crimean War  and…

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Year 2 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Image of Year 2 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024

Welcome to the summer Forest School Term. 

The Year 2 children have been incredibly busy outdoors exploring and learning new skills: 

You have hopefully already read about our trip to Covert woods in a separate blog. 

We learned about Woodland birds, made binoculars and birdfeeders . The…

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Repeat printing - Year 2

Image of Repeat printing - Year 2

With links to their Geography project, Year 2 have been exploring relief printing and have created their own repeat patterns inspired by the work of Indonesian artist John Martono, traditional printing techniques and the seas and marine life of Indonesia. The children have used their observational…

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Year 2 covert woods June 2024

Image of Year 2 covert woods June 2024

Year 2 had fantastic weather for a visit to the woodlands last week. 

We listened to the birds and sounds around us, locating the direction. Year 2 did well playing a guessing game about which animals live in the woodlands and we had a go at Zip Zap boing, concentrating really hard. 


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Creepy Claws visits Year 2

Image of Creepy Claws visits Year 2

On Tuesday 23rd January Year 2s were very excited to welcome Michael (the man from Creepy Claws ) and a selection of his animals into school. He brought with him; Ronnie the chinchilla, Louise the gecko, Rose the tarantula, Cleopatra the python, Spike the scorpion, a giant millipede called Milly…

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Forest School Year 2 Term 2 2023

Image of Forest School Year 2 Term 2 2023

This term Year 2 have been exploring: 

How to make a reef knot (micky mouse ear, flip it, mickey mouse ear and flip it, the second ear goes behind the first ear, put the loop around the stick and pull tight.)

- how to stay safe in a storm (we had one of our sessions inside)

- conker…

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Year 2 - Stained Glass windows

Image of Year 2 - Stained Glass windows

This week, Year 2 were privileged to have a stained-glass window expert, Buffer Tucker, visit them in class and run a special workshop. Buffy is now retired but used to work in the stained-glass windows department at Canterbury Cathedral. As well as a career restoring historical windows, Buffy has…

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