Welcome to the summer Forest School Term. 

The Year 2 children have been incredibly busy outdoors exploring and learning new skills: 

You have hopefully already read about our trip to Covert woods in a separate blog. 

We learned about Woodland birds, made binoculars and birdfeeders . The Merlin bird app allows you to listen to bird sounds and identifies the bird for  you. Have a go with it at home if you like. It worked well in our outdoor area. Carson was particularly knowledgeable and interested in birds . 

They watered the polytunnel and enjoyed picking strawberries, cucumbers, courgettes, peppers, and raspberries. 

They used wood slices, palm drills, secateurs, peelers, knives and branches to make spinning tops. 

Arthur and Harvey were very keen to help distribute the bark chip to help the plants to grow. 

They explored the hammock and slack line. 

For the first time we used the willow we had grown to make our own crowns - as willow is very bendy. The children learned about the medicinal properties. 

For languages day - we made Polish potato fritters over the fire which they had to peel and grate and mix with flour, salt and onion. It was great to see children try food that they would not normally eat- well done. 

Our last session was all about spiders as Stone requested to learn more about these useful creatures. We had a quiz, learned about the life cycle of spiders (little ones are called spiderlings and the adult spider carries the eggs in an egg sac). Some chose to make spider webs with sticks and string - others made conker spiders with palm drills.  or created fact sheets. 

Have a fantastic summer break - feel free to send in photos/ drawings/ notes about any exciting animals/plants or outdoor experiences that you come across over the holidays. 

Mrs Pearman

Year 2 Forest School Term 6 2023-2024