Welcome to the summer fun in Forest School. This Term the Reception children have been fantastic and they have learned and explored the following: 

Passing the squeeze in a circle game - sitting very quietly and waiting for their turn. 

Exploring the slack line for balancing

Comparing the jungle to our Forest School area 

Using a peeler for carrots and sticks and making wands from sticks. I might have been turned into a mouse or frog once or twice! 

Learning how to make an overhand knot (granny knot) - Eli and Miles showed fantastic perseverance. 

Picking potatoes that grew by themselves in the compost area - it shows children where food comes from and what they need to grow. 

Adding the home-made compost to the raised beds 

Watering the polytunnel and picking cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries and Courgettes (and we cooked the courgettes on the fire- Yum!) 

Going on a bear hunt around the Forest School area 

Reading Christopher Boothroyd's story 'Can I talk to you?' and practising talking about our feelings 

Playing a new bear listening game 

Learning about animal poo and which clues it gives us  about the animals that live in the forest and what they eat! Making their own animal poo from flour, soil and water.... Emersyn and Josie particularly enjoyed this. 

Reading 'The story of the mole who knew it was none of its business'. 

Seeing a real hedgehog and feeding him until he was strong enough to walk off!

Cooking popcorn over the fire... did you know that it is the moisture inside the kernel that expands and therefore makes the popcorn pop? 

The children also enjoyed the new fabric hammock that we put up. What enjoyable term. 

Have a great summer holiday and feel free to bring in photos/drawings/notes of exciting animals/plants or outdoor discoveries. 

Mrs Pearman 

Year R Forest School Term 6 2023-2024