Year R draw fruit and veg

Image of Year R draw fruit and veg

At the end of term 1, Year R children all had the opportunity to practise their observational skills and draw from fruit and vegetables. As a class, we discussed how and where fruit and vegetables are grown and what the seeds are for. We also looked carefully at their shape, form, colours and…

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Inky BEASTS - Year One

Image of Inky BEASTS - Year One

Mark-making inspired by ‘Billy and the Beast’. 


This term, Year one have been reading the book ‘Billy and the Beast’, by author and illustrator Nadia Shireen. Within art, we looked at Nadia Shireen’s illustrations and as a class discussed how she used her marks and lines to describe…

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Pilgrims Way Art workshop

Image of Pilgrims Way Art workshop

Art workshop with Pilgrims Way


Mrs Tomsett and I were very pleased to be invited to Pilgrims Way to run an Art workshop this week. We took a small group of talented Year 5 Bridge pupils, working towards an Arts Award, to collaborate with equally talented pupils from Pilgrims Way Primary…

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Self portraits - Year R

Image of Self portraits - Year R

Over the last two weeks, Year R pupils have been given the opportunity to draw a self-portrait. This task was designed to help the children express themselves and build their own identity. Observing themselves in the mirror, pupils decided where to place their facial features on their drawing and…

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Autumn leaves - Year 1

Image of Autumn leaves - Year 1

Over the last two weeks, Year 1 have been creating autumn leaves from their marking-making paintings. Pupils neatly drew around leaf templates with HB pencil and then carefully cut out the shape - practising cutting skills. They attached a piece of wire to the back of their leaf with sticky tape,…

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Year 1 mark-making

Image of Year 1 mark-making

In Art, pupils in Year one have been exploring mark-making but not with traditional tools! As a class, we looked at marks and lines made with unusual household objects and discussed what they reminded us of – the texture of crocodile skin, grass, fur, bricks etc.

Pupils were encouraged to mix…

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Yr R - drawing, observation and creepy crawlies.

Image of Yr R - drawing, observation and creepy crawlies.

Year R had their first Art lesson today! The children explored my collection of insects (in resin) and peacock feathers. To start the lesson, pupils looked closely at the creepy crawlies and discussed them. How many legs do the insects have? Which have wings? Can you see their eyes?


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Clockwork illustrations - Year 5

Image of Clockwork illustrations - Year 5

Within their English lessons this term, Year 5 have been describing the characters Karl and Fritz from the book ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. To support their writing, pupils have been using these descriptions to inspire drawings of the characters in their Art lessons.

As a class, we looked…

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Simon Langton Girls Art workshops collaboration

Image of Simon Langton Girls Art workshops collaboration

Last week Years 3 and 4 were treated to some art workshops led by students from the Simon Langton Girls School who are working towards their own accredited Arts Award. We are working hard at Bridge to collaborate with other schools and artists to broaden our own experiences in the Arts.

The SLG…

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Year R - observational paintings of plants

Image of Year R - observational paintings of plants

Within Art this year, Year R have been practising their drawing and making skills; they have explored a broad range of art media and tools and have been developing their fine motor skills. Pupils have also been working on their observational skills.

It is important that young children begin to…

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Art club. Cupcakes. Drawing. Music.

Image of Art club. Cupcakes. Drawing. Music.

This week, Art Club have been drawing cupcakes with colour pencils. Pupils had real cupcakes and photos to draw from and use as inspiration. They concentrated on creating form, using different tones and the layering of colours (no black). We had some relaxing music in the background - a lovely way…

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Self Portraits in the style of Frida Kahlo

Image of Self Portraits in the style of Frida Kahlo

During Term 5, Year 4 put a lot of effort into their self-portraits.

They have looked closely at the proportions of the face and used mirrors to examine their own faces. Did you know that the width of your face is equal to the width of 5 eyes? They have practised drawing their own features and…

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