Year R Write Dance

Image of Year R Write Dance

Year R have begun practising and developing their gross motor skills within their art lessons. The children will now be taking part in weekly Write Dance and art activities aimed to strengthen muscle groups and improve the children’s agility.


Within our first Write Dance session, we…

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Year R - All About Me

Image of Year R - All About Me

As part of their ‘All About Me’ project, Year R have been painting self-portraits. A great opportunity for the children to explore their own faces through observation of their mirror image and through touch. They initially used paint as a background, matching skin, hair and eye colours. Once dry,…

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Pen and ink beasts!

Image of Pen and ink beasts!


Mark-making inspired by ‘Billy and the Beast’. 


This term, Year one pupils have been reading the book ‘Billy and the Beast’, by author and illustrator Nadia Shireen. Within art, we looked at Nadia Shireen’s illustrations and as a class discussed how she used her marks and lines to…

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Year 5 - Sir Isaac Newton’s colour wheel

Image of Year 5 - Sir Isaac Newton’s colour wheel

First Art blog of the year! What have year 5 been up to in their Art lessons?


Pupils in Year 5 have been learning about the artist’s colour wheel.


The modern colour-wheel is based on Sir Isaac Newton’s experimentation with light. While Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge…

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Year R sewing - fine motor skills!

Image of Year R sewing - fine motor skills!

Throughout the academic year, pupils in Year R have been working hard to develop and strengthen their gross and fine motor skills. Our journey began in September with the children making large whole-body movements through play, exploring activities and in Write Dance lessons. Children gradually…

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Year 5 Ancient Greek Prints

Image of Year 5 Ancient Greek Prints

This week, Year 5 have been finishing their Ancient Greek inspired reduction prints using polystyrene relief printing blocks. Pupils first drew out their designs and then transferred them on to the printing blocks. Lines within the design were pressed down with a pencil meaning that other areas…

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Year 3 art and music!

Image of Year 3 art and music!

This week, Year 3 pupils have been responding to and interpreting different types of music through their artwork. After a class discussion about colour and how they evoke certain emotions, we briefly looked at the work of Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky who himself worked to music creating…

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Observational drawing of insects - Year one

Image of Observational drawing of insects - Year one

Linked with their science topic taught early in the academic year, Year One has been observing and drawing insects (in resin) this week. Before putting pencils to paper, we recapped on their science vocabulary - insect anatomy.


The children started by studying and observing the insects…

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Arts Council meeting - Term 6

Image of Arts Council meeting - Term 6

It was our last Arts Council meeting of the year this week. We had lots to discuss through our favourite method of communicating – doodling and chatting.


We reviewed our Art and DT from this academic year before moving on to future projects. Watch this space for some exciting art and…

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UCA Art Workshop - sculpture

Image of UCA Art Workshop - sculpture

This week, a group of fifteen Year 3 pupils took part in an Art workshop led by Louise Mayell, an art practitioner from The University For The Creative Arts (UCA); the event was kindly hosted by Pilgrims’ Way School.


Within the workshop, the children took inspiration from the colourful…

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Arts Award Success!

Image of Arts Award Success!

Mrs Tomsett and I have really enjoyed working with a small group of Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils who have been working towards their Discovery Arts Award within our Art Club.


The theme was ‘The environment’. Pupils created art inspired by the environment and the nature around them. They worked…

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Clockwork shadow puppets - Year 5

Image of Clockwork shadow puppets - Year 5

Last term, Year 5 studied ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. Pupils have at last finished designing, making and performing with their shadow-puppets inspired by the book. They explored the traditional shadow puppets from South East Asia and the work of German animator and film director, Lotte…

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