Ancient Roman bread.
This week, Birch class made their flavoured Roman bread. We began by giving the children their instructions using bossy verbs; we discussed the importance of hygiene and cleaning surfaces before beginning to prepare food. The children added their chosen flavours to the flour before adding the yeast mixture. We discussed the role of the yeast, rising (proving) and kneading in the bread making process.
The children perfected their kneading techniques before leaving their dough to rise while they took part in Science Day experiments with Mr Perfect. Just before lunch, the children shaped their bread, it was then baked in the school kitchen.
The children took their bread home to share and evaluate with their families, carers and friends at home.
It really was a team effort. A massive thank you to all the adults in Birch class, especially Mrs Coral for helping me prepare the ingredients; Sandra for all her cooking advice; Helen and Michaela for helping me in the kitchen and Mrs Tomsett for her expert Roman bread knowledge!
It was great day. Please see our gallery below: