Year 1 Forest School Term 5 2023

Image of Year 1 Forest School Term 5 2023

The saws came out this term for Year 1. They cut logs with bow saws, sometimes in team work. We practised the timber hitch knot which we use to tie the hammock, for example. They tied string to their logs and turned them into pets like dogs, cats and rabbits. We looked at identifying trees and…

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Forest School Trip Year 1

Image of Forest School Trip Year 1

Year 1 had a fabulous trip to Covert woods. 

We listened to the birds and noises around us - life can be so busy and it is very calming to stop and take in the surroundings. 

The children found interesting natural items on the forest floor and talked to their friends about the features. They…

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Year 4 Forest School Trip Covert Woods 2023

Image of Year 4 Forest School Trip Covert Woods 2023

Welcome to Covert Woods Year 4. 

The bluebells were out as were the warmer temperatures. We started by listening to the birds and the sounds around us, followed by a blindfold game where the children had to lead each other to a tree and later on recognise it by using their senses


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Year 5 Forest School Term 5 2023

Image of Year 5 Forest School Term 5 2023

This term has been filled with new experiments and challenges.

Year 5 were the first to make their own pencils

They built a fire, cut willow branches with secateurs, placed them in a tin with a little hole in made by a nail,  in embers (until the colour of the smoke changed) and they used…

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Year 4 Term 4 2023 Forest School

Image of Year 4 Term 4 2023 Forest School

Term 4 saw some new and adventurous sessions in Forest School.

We introduced the new slack line, which runs between two trees and helps children with their balancing skills. 

We talked about Equinox (Equi= equal, nox = night), the beginning of spring where night and day are the same length.…

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Forest School Year 1 Term 4 2023

Image of Forest School Year 1 Term 4 2023

Term 4 started with 'Happy pancake day'! 

Children made a fire and they are brilliant by now at remembering the rules. They had to mix the batter - 1 grated apple, 1 cup oat milk, 2 cups flour, they had to spoon it in the pan, flip it and then ENJOY the campfire pancake. Some children tried…

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Forest School Year R Term 4

Image of Forest School Year R Term 4

Term 4 started off with learning all about birds. We played a game where they learned about camouflaging worms, we read the book Owl babies and acted the story out with puppets, they made bird feeders with cones, lard, toilet role and seeds, they created little and big birds nests and the…

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Woodland Trip Year 2

Image of Woodland Trip Year 2

Welcome to the woods! 

The sun was shining and Mr Frost had come out for our trip to the wider woodlands. We looked at where the pine trees and broadleaf trees grow. There was so much room for exploration with natural materials and we returned with many happy and tired faces. 

Year 2 went on…

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Woodland trip Year 3

Image of Woodland trip Year 3


Welcome to the woods! 

The sun was shining and Mr Frost had come out for our trip to the wider woodlands. We looked at where the pine trees and broadleaf trees grow. There was so much room for exploration with natural materials and we returned with many happy and tired faces. 

Year 3…

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Forest School Term 3 Year 3

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year 3

This term Year 3 learned about rivers and rocks - which we built on in Forest School. The children let water flow down the mound although it was difficult to follow the flow of the water. They ended up taking  the long gutter for support and making use of the new water butts. The children found…

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Forest School Term 3 Year 2

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year 2

Our first week back was too stormy to be outside - we found out about the Big Bird Watch instead indoors. The children listened to bird poems, brainstormed what they know about garden birds already, took a quiz about which garden bird they were, they made binoculars and created their bird log…

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Forest School Term 3 Year 1

Image of Forest School Term 3 Year 1

We had the owl babies visiting Forest School this term. Year 1 played a bird game - trying to find wool of different colours and learning about camouflaging. We supported the birds in our area but making natural bird feeders from apples, seeds and string. After a couple of weeks they had all…

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