Microscopic fruit - Year one
Using inspiration from two books, Oliver’s Vegetables and Oliver’s Fruit Salad, children in Year one used their observational skills to draw from microscopic photographic images of fruit by the artist Rob Kesseler. These images are really funky and abstract. Within the lesson, the children learnt…
Year 1 Term 5 2024
We were lucky this term as someone passed on a bird's nest they had found, which still had a light blue egg in it. This was a rare find and very exciting to see close up. Year 1 children have been very busy getting the polytunnel up and running, moving soil, bark chip and planting our new…
Year 1 Forest School Term 5 2024
In Term 4 Year 1 have learned about life cycles of frogs and butterflies- we acted them out in our fire circle and read stories. The children found leaves that have been eaten by caterpillars and other insects. We sang an insect song and learned about the parts of the body and that every insect…
Observational drawing by Year one
Year one pupils have been drawing plastic animal toys from observation this week. As a class, we discussed: how to carefully look at the objects and drawing what they see; the importance of referring back to the object regularly when drawing; sketching lightly with their pencil in case they need…
Marble runs - Year One
This term, Year one pupils have designed and made their own marble runs.
Within morning/class work they explored existing products (plastic marble runs) and practised using tools and joining techniques. Within their DT lessons, the classes discussed slides in the playground; gravity; the…
Call Me Gorgeous - Year 1
Throughout term 3, Year 1 children worked towards the completion of their ‘Call Me Gorgeous’ collages inspired by the book by Giles and Alexandra Milton. The artworks consist of a background, midground and foreground.
The backgrounds depict a starry night. The children looked at…
Year 1 Forest School Term 3 2024
Willow and Rowan class were very busy in Forest School this term. They helped to plant the new tree that Mrs Franks gifted us as her leaving present - a new witches tree is about to grow!
We looked at different bugs in the area, sang a song and learned some worm facts. We talked about which…
Super Hero moving pictures - Year one
This week, Year one completed their DT Super Hero Moving Pictures!
Within the project the children: explored who can be a super hero and they have designed and drawn their own; explored and made slider and lever mechanisms; designed and made their own backgrounds using geometric shape…
Year 1 Term 2 2023
Forest School Fun in Term 2:
- Pumpkin hammering with tees and mallets
- practising knots, tying wool to make wands and broomsticks for Halloween
- painting with conkers in a tray
- using a palm drill with conkers and turning them into necklaces etc.
- picking sunflower seeds and…
Year one mark-making and autumn leaves
This week, Year 1 have finished creating autumn leaves from their marking-making paintings.
Last term, the children explored mark-making but not with traditional tools! As whole classes, we looked at marks and lines made with unusual household objects and discussed what they reminded us…
Year 1 Forest School Term 1 2023
What a sunny Autumn term we have had.
Stick man came to visit us in the first session. What could sticks be used for? The children explored ordering them by size, making boats that float, making stick people, making fishing rods and rescuing stick man from the ice, using spoons and pipets.…
Year 1 woodland trip September 2023
Welcome to the woods Year 1. Your first trip.
Luckily we missed the very stormy weather last week and went during a calmer time to Covert Woods to explore. Some tree surgeons were at work at our usual spot but we found a different area to explore. This session was all about using the…