Year one continue to explore fruit and vegetables this term. Last week, the children used their observational skills to draw and paint red peppers.
As a class, we discussed scale (drawing the peppers larger to fill their A3 paper); oil pastels and how they resist paint (used for the seeds); highlights and shadows; choosing the correct paint brush to use (large or small) and colour mixing. For example, the children mixed yellowy-reds to describe lighter areas of the pepper and bluey-reds to describe the darker areas. They also added white (tints) to lighten their colours. They did not have black.
Observation is a real skill and we encourage the children to slow down and really look at their objects when drawing. Drawing is the starting point to all of our art projects; it is a great way for children to communicate ideas and express feeling within the classroom and at home.
These are fabulous! Please check out our gallery below: